

Downtempo Dreams
Last night I dreamt I was walking atop the globe, like on a literal globe, the kind a teacher would buy and place on their desk. My headphones were in when I heard a buzzing noise burst through the speaker before the song broke through. It was the song Nafas by The Spy From Cairo and it was booming out of my headphones. Walking, I could see the music radiating out and across the sky, every note spring's out from the previous one. In an instant I am back on real ground and with each step the music enters any person or building or home I pass. Each one dancing 🎶 with the beat that glows with a golden aura circling them. People leaves their houses to walk with me, some ditch their cars, some are running out of office buildings, throwing files behind them. It was fucking magical!

That's all I remember but I am thankful for remembering it at all. 🔮🧩