

Chapter One
Chapter One
My soothing hands cradled his head, softening the pain.
His hyperventilating breaths grew toasty as the sun shinning down on marble surface. Tried to mantain pressure on the pain. Stopping the constant drain on his neck. His whole condition was a wreck.

He bled so much I can barely concentrate. He  grabbing hold of my  crouching legs. Losing each grip to held on to it pants length.   "Shhh. Please be still, Dad. You're doing well.

I stopped the blood leak, now let me sew it up with this thread."  Dad's emaciated  face hovered over to the chin of my face.  Struggling to keep it there. Grab ahold with a little sustained grip to my right hand wrist an inch away from his neck. It's too late you know?"  He asked, as his raspy voice  so dry thristy need for water.

Sparked up a smile even after everything happening to his body, as much as I wanted him to care about his life.

Not to accept his own fate an die.

Not only he dies from this world, he as well leaves my Iife world.

It'll crush me to see him die. Failing for his relive.

"You're more older   when  I last remembered. With you   on father and daughter days. Most memorable days of my life, spending time with my daughter-" The sharp pain across his heart triggered burning reaction to the sterilization effects to his infected neck, flipping to laying on the front of his stomach.

"Don't talk like that!  You are not dying on me, you hear me?
His body barely responded to my attempts to flip him back over with all my might. How slim adult weigh  didn't make it any much easier.

Pain winch form up  his smile. He was at peace to leave. Every apocalyptic event he went through he can truly have peace to it all.

I was like warrior child. Have fire blaze  heart of bravery. 

My father's line of work opened my eyes to feeling so amazed. Speak of it   for Show And Tell, evey kid laughed at me. Some found me a jokester. Some found me a complete idiot. My teacher even joined in the laughing chant. Recommend I tell the truth then fantasy or they call the parents to have a  chat.  Taken a big  gulp of my own spit. Kept quiet. 

Even if I took the high road for this simple  verify,  what comes next I'll have to kiss my parents goodbye. The sheer disappointment I felt inside. Felt so strange staring in the reflection in those kids laugh crying out eyes.  That slowed down shadowy remembrance  them moving slow motion actives by my depression. 

Echoing my left ear out the other.  Having my second time  childish  confidence shattered in the graveyard. 

Stomping to my desk pouting my head down.
My teacher comes to console me, I squeezed   my journal lying  along my face didn't want to hear it. Ripped my writing for the day on Writing Daily Exercise assignment. Mostly to write how was your day at home what your parents work for a living as an extra bonus if you want extra credit to you're grades.

Everyday when he comes home I have nickname for him "SuperHero."
I curl my arms jumping into his chest for chest-hug. He got good hands, was not worried he dropping me before then.
Chained it swinging me around like spaceship making the engine sounds.

Shined light on zombie  movies he introduced me when I've been much more little. Wanted share similar childhood experiences he found to be the most fitting for his life hood.

Made mother go crazy mad at him one night  catching him in the act.. Dropped all his popcorn to the ground where it went  splat.

I giggled  at there bickering eating last buttery popcorn patch in my hands.

"Alright, sorry honey,  he  spoke in defeat. Shutting off the TV with his whole  squatting back turned to me.  Changing the channel to  children Leafy TV.   but you are to young to watch this stuff"  he said.

Awwww," Flapped my arms with watering puppy eyes. Don't worry pokey bear!"  He growled lifting me up in his arms. Tickled me  the titter  with the raining water of my dove  brownish eyes.   Whispered into my ears, rising me close to his side. I'll see what I can do, when mom not around ok?"

  Okey!"  Shhh, it's our secret."  Shh, our secret, I copied him."

I was able to watch them all during midnight.

Everyone being  asleep was the best coverage thing to do, quiet as a mouse. 
Been sure to get some sleep days here an there to keep it not suspicious, why a toddler did not get no sleep after those days back. Having no issue sleeping anyhow.

He gets paid alot of money in his dangerous line of work. I can get whatever I want on my birthday or Christmas Eve.

He was to conceal his line of work telling absolute none.

His organization did their part confirm his identity whilst in the army.
What everyone thought he was, expect for me.

Broken the rules I  aspect him not too.
  Told me not because he can trust me, but he loves me more then ever. "Like a mini me," that made me spit out my orange juice drink at him. He wink feeling the aftershock liquid cold breeze.

Kept my teacher off my back. Assume I got army mixed up with other goofy incidents on TV. Aren't real in the line of army duty. So, she obeyed my wishes to think nothing of it, but  a misunderstanding.

He touched the sides of his face. Jerking  away everytime he flinch of every pinch I sent. Sorry!"  I apologized.

"Trying to make sure it's tight enough for you to stay alive until ambulance are called. I'm  almost done. Just hang in there, okay?"  You know there still gonna come after me until I'm dead?"  He asked. I'll go with you to the hospital and make sure that don't happen."  You're just a kid, this bigger then the both of us. You have to let me die. I don't want to u to be collateral damage. Once they know the body confirmed dead, you'll  be safe."  Then what do you expect me to do dad!?" My voice cracked to felt strangled near wordless coming out of my mouth. To walk away."   My body leaned more pressure on my knees pressed to the ground in exhaustion. Finished the final touches to his injuries  staring at my father. The deadly quiet between our  breaths. Tap tap the heels went up the staircase to the front door. Ringed the doorbell accidentally push opened the door. Sees scene of me and my father on the floor. Unfazed I was shaking with disbelief to what I perceive. Coated with blood on my hands, heard my mother   loud perishing screams.