

The Turning Point (Part-2)
They trotted in fear to upstairs thinking that Sarah could help them.
The staircase creaked under their feet. The upstairs was dark. They
couldn’t find the sWitch. soMe hoW they found sarah’s bedroom. Webster
knocked the door. No response. There hearts were thumping hard. they
slowed opened the door.
the rooM Was diMly lit by the faint Moonlight. ‘sarah .sarah ‘ called
Webster hoping that she would answer. Suddenly something chill
touched Webster feet. He suddenly jumped back like a cat on fire .The old
man took a torch from his bag.
It was BLOOD. PURE BLOOD. Sarah was lying dead in the pool of blood
oozing from her open throat. Suddenly a psychotic laughter was heard
from back. It was gloomly figure in dark with a blood dripping knife in its
hands. The eerie figure approached them.
the old Man shone the torch toWard the figure’s face .the faces of tWo
men had the expression of cold death .The figure none other than
forsil,the …….. after a long silence blood curling sound was heard.
note: forsil is the psychotic killer. She is the one who killed sarah.
© gratitude for solitude