

Fire🔥 : Friend And Foe Part - 2
We heat 😰it before it cathes fire 🔥..... we are Generally do it With a Lighted 💥💥 match . Every fuel Has A Particular Temperature ... at which it begins to burn . this Temprature is called The ' Flash✨ point ' or ' kindling' temprature of fuel ⛽⛽.
it is Sometimes said that fire 🔥 is good ☺ servant but a bad master 😔.
It only means That fire 🔥is very useful us long as it is kept under control 💾 .....
For instance we use it to cook🍴🍴
our food .warm our homes in winter 😨 To generate Electrycity . But on other hand if fire 🔥gets out of Control it can be very Dangerous . Each year Thousands OF Homesand Shops Are Damaged 😲😲by fire 🔥.Vast areas of forest Are also Destroyed and Hundreds of Peoples are killed 😶or Injured 😣 ....................
Just as Three Things are needed To start a fire 🔥 , there are Three main ways in which A Fire can be Put out...
In each , one of the Three ✅Things Needed for Burning is taken Away....྿࿂྿࿂྿࿂྿࿂྿࿂྿྿᯼྿࿂྿࿂࿂྿࿂྿྿࿂྿࿂྿
For Example we can take away the Fuel..⛽
If the Fire 🔥has no Fuel ⛽to Feed on no Burning can take place.....
we often let a 🔥 fire die out simply by not adding more fuel ⛽to it...

[ __ To Be Continued __ ] ☺😊😊