

Dexter Review

(Note: This review will cover both the original series and New Blood)

"There is no such thing as a happy ending. I never met a single one to equal 'Once upon a time.' Endings are heartless. The ending is just another word for goodbye."

-Stephen King

I can't seem to find my saran wrap anywhere...oh well. Guess I'll talk about Dexter then.

When it comes to long-term stories, the hardest part is how to end them. Do you end it naturally, or end it surprisingly? That's the problem Dexter had.

Let's back up and talk about the original series. As many did, I was intrigued by its premise: Batman, but he's a serial killer. And it stuck to that concept. But Dexter tried to be realistic. Probably the best part of Dexter is the insights into his mind and how he tries to separate himself from his inner passenger.

I'm not gonna give my opinion on the original ending because it's such an easy thing to analyze. It sucked. I was like a stereotypical parent: Wasn't mad I was disappointed.

New Blood was the chance to write the wrong. It had a chance that's not given that much in media. It was really good. Took what the original series had and turned it up to 11 while trying to fix what was broken.

Yes, it had its flaws. Some plot lines were dropped with no reasoning. It also tried to attract a modern audience with the podcast. It seemed forced to me at first but I was ok with it. And Dexter having a girlfriend that was a cop felt forced, but again, it didn't detract me.

What carried me through the series was the rekindled relationship between Harrison and Dexter. There were a lot of layers to it and was good for the most part. Deb becoming Dexter's new voice was a nice change too.

Now let's get to New Blood's ending.

It was...

Fine......That's all.....Just.....fine....

It wasn't as bad as the original ending. The biggest problem with it was that it felt rushed. If the ending was stretched out to another half hour or given another episode, it would have felt better paced.

They could have handled how Batista's character reacted better. Just have Dexter's ex say "Don't worry, I'll handle it" or something like that, instead of keeping people hanging.

The final parts of the show were handled fine. I would have loved to have Harrison say fuck it, pick up his girlfriend, and drive off together. (I guess the writers like Breaking Bad's ending too) But that's a nitpick. Harrison being the one to kill Dexter was the most poetic way to kill him off. I can see why they handled it like that.

I will say that the writers back themselves into some corners and tried to work out of it.

But at least Harrison didn't become a lumberjack too.