

Under the Camarines Sky: I Love You, Always
“Love transcends time, even when time runs out. Though Carlo was from the past, his love left a timeless imprint on Maria’s heart, a bond that could never be broken, even by the cruel hands of fate.”
~ Zoë Kaià

The days passed slowly for Maria, her heart torn between hope and despair. She continued her daily life, but her thoughts were never far from Carlo, the mysterious connection they shared, and the impossibility of it all. Every time the beeper buzzed, her heart would leap, knowing it was him on the other end.

One evening, as Maria sat in her room, the beeper went off. She picked it up, her heart heavy with anticipation.

“Hey, Maria,” Carlo's voice came through, but something was different—it sounded weaker, as though every word was a struggle.

“Carlo, are you okay?” she asked, worry knitting her brow.

There was a long silence before he spoke again. “Maria… I need to tell you something.” He paused, and Maria could hear the strain in his breathing.

“What is it?” she whispered, her heart pounding in her chest.

“I… I found out that I have lung cancer,” Carlo said, his voice soft, almost defeated.

Maria felt the world slip away beneath her. “No… Carlo, no…” Her voice broke as tears filled her eyes. “Please, tell me you’re joking.”

Carlo let out a sigh, and even across time, Maria could feel the exhaustion behind it. “I wish I were, Maria. But I don’t have much time left.”

Maria closed her eyes, the tears spilling over, her heart-shattering. “Carlo… I don’t want to lose you. I don’t care if you’re in the past, I just… I need you.”

“I need you too, Maria,” Carlo whispered, his voice filled with the same raw emotion. “I wish I could meet you. I wish I could hold you.”

There was nothing but silence between them for a moment, each grappling with the impossibility of their situation. Finally, Maria spoke, her voice trembling but determined.

“Carlo, promise me… promise me that you’ll keep talking to me, no matter what. I don’t care about time or distance. I just want you here with me, even if it’s only through this beeper.”

Carlo took a shaky breath. “I promise, Maria. As long as I can, I’ll be here.”

And so they continued, their conversations now tinged with a new sense of urgency, a preciousness that hadn’t been there before. They spoke about everything—their hopes, their dreams, the little moments of joy that made life bearable. They shared laughter and tears, finding comfort in each other despite the impossible distance.

Days turned into weeks, and with each call, Maria could hear Carlo getting weaker. She knew the end was near, but she refused to let go. One day, she picked up the beeper, knowing that this might be the last time.

“Hey, Carlo,” she said, her voice soft, fighting back tears.

“Hey, Maria,” he replied, his voice barely a whisper.

“I wish… I wish I could see you, just once,” Maria said, her voice breaking. “I wish I could be there with you.”

Carlo’s response came after a long pause. “You are here with me, Maria. Every moment. You’ve made everything worth it. You’ve made me feel alive.”

Maria closed her eyes, her tears flowing freely. “I love you, Carlo.”

“I love you too, Maria,” he whispered. “Always.”

The line went silent, and Maria knew. She clutched the beeper to her chest, her tears falling, her heart broken yet full of love for the man who had changed her life, even from across time.

She stayed like that for hours, the silence of the room broken only by her quiet sobs. Though they had been separated by time, their hearts had found each other, and that connection would never fade.

Maria knew that Carlo would always be with her, in the memories they had made and in the love they had shared. She picked up her pen, her hand trembling, and began to write, pouring her heart onto the paper, making sure that their story—the story of love that defied time—would live on forever.

Then she finished her novel by writing their story, and their story was now an inspiration to other people.



(Special thanks to Love You Long Time, a Netflix movie for the inspiration.)

Special thanks to: @I_Am_Michael and @SkyKing for reading from the beginning till end. Bless you 🤗❤️

© SparklesZoe ✨️