

banished friends
A woman, banished for being herself, lived alone in the forest. She survived on berries, fruit, and whatever she could find. One day, she discovered a cave surrounded by berries. Curiosity led her inside, where she encountered a strong smell of sulfur and gas. She covered her nose and mouth with her shirt. As she ventured further, she heard a growl, causing her heart to race with fear. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain on her left side, crying out in agony. Dart-like objects flew around her, prompting her to seek shelter behind a rock, trembling with a mix of blood and sweat.
A voice called out to the woman from a distance, questioning her presence in the cave. Filled with fear and panic, she pleaded for her safety, insisting that she had done nothing wrong. As the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder, she cautiously peered around a rock and saw another woman. Introducing herself as Carol, she revealed that she too had been banished to the forest for refusing to submit to a self-proclaimed king.
Beth, trembling with fear, revealed that she had been excommunicated for opposing the king's ideology. She introduced herself as "Beth." Carol observed that Beth was bleeding and promptly treated her wounds using a bandage and alcohol.
Beth and Carol emerged from the cave, and Beth inquired about the duration of Carol's banishment. Carol revealed that she had been banished for several years, having attempted to fight but narrowly escaping death. As a result, Carol had been living in solitude. Beth reassured Carol that she was not alone, offering to be banished together as companions.