

My Office story Part(V)
Azaan' Dad: Who's this Alina??
Azaan: How do you guys now about her?
Dad: Just answer me. Who's that girl?
Azaan: I know this little creep( His sister) told you guys something that's why you're mad at me
Mom: Azaan. Would you please answer your dad?
Azaan: That's our architect
Dad: Is she younger than you?
Azaan: Yes! About 3 years( He has his head down he's not able to make an eye contact with his parents)
Mom: You got her any picture?
Azaan: Yes!Alot but her face isn't clear
Mom: Show me. I want to see who's trapped you
Azaan: Okay here you go....Em wait she hasn't tapped me in anything( Full of rage)
Dad: You're not allowed to talk rudely to your mom kid is that clear or I'll make it clear. Show her the damm picture of her.
Azaan showed her mother Alina's picture. Looking at her picture his mom raised her brow as if Alina wasn't worthy for Azaan. She handed over his phone to his dad. The dad also didn't seemed happy with her.
Azaan: Happy you guys can I get my phone back.
Mom: Okay when you're gonna bring my daughter-in-law home
Azaan first didn't understood. He told them he can't forget her, he loves her and want her. Her mom then made him clear about what they said.
Azaan: What? Did you guys just really agreed with her??
Mom: Ofcourse my sweety why will we separate you from the one you love
His Sister: Especially the one about whom he was talking even in dreams..🤣
Azaan was so happy he couldn't even believe his eyes that he'll be able to get Alina for his life time. Next morning when he left for office. He passed by a flower shop to buy roses to propse her. When he bought the maroon roses for her he firmly pressed his pant pocket in which he had placed a ring for her. He was fully excited about his moment he's been waiting for so long. When he reached office he saw a few cars lined up there. When he landed elevator to reach his office. He saw all employees worried and when he entered his cabin he saw Aaryan sitting on his chair.
Aaryan: Oh! Hey dude I was waiting for you this is my wedding invitation for you.
When Azaan opened it he shattered into pieces when his eyes caught the Bride's name ALINA....💔
Azaan: His roses fell from his hands he gazed at Alina who seemed normal to others but Azaan could see her eyes swelled, red and wet as if she has cried enough.
Azaan: Oh well congratulations but the bride doesn't seems happy.
Aaryan : Well she could be more happy with you but on the sake of your company. I can actually bring you and your family on roads cause I have the Asset papers
Azaan: How you got those BASTARD!
Aaryan: I can do anything for this gorgeous girl. Well Alina you can talk to him for a while because from now onwards you won't see him till a week and after that You'll be called as my WIFE( he gave stress to this word)
Alina: Azaan( her voice was stammering)
She came close to him and looked with her swelled but still beautiful eyes into his eyes
Alina: ( whispered) I LOVE YOU I'LL BE ALWAYS YOURS...
After this Aaryan unable to hear this. He hold her arm and dragged her from the cabin along with him.
Meanwhile tears could be seen dripping from Azaan's eyes what happened to him. What he had planned and what he got. When he got home back he discussed all this with his Dad and Mom
Dad: Listen Son! I love you alot but I can't let you to sacrifice our company for that girl
His Mom also didn't supported him to get his girl the girl who loved him and whom he loved. He cried and he hugged his coat he was wearing that day .He touched those arms of the coat because Alina had touched there but accidentally his hand fell in one of its pockets and he found a paper there it was the bill of the ring he bought for Alina. He took that ring out of his pocket and held it tightly and screamed as loud as he could. His eyes were closed all he could see Alina infront of his eyes. He faced breathlessness he choked
Oh no!

© wanderer♡