

Freedom towards Life
I am not Feminist or I am supporting any type of feminism and if am doing that "IT'S OK". Every time we heard a phrase from childhood "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao". But as a girl I always felt that it's no need because people are learn as a syllabus as a essay but never understand. Every time society says that "she's a girl after graduation aur after 12th she should be settle. Why they never said to their parents that she should be settle with a well job? Where a Boy failed in 12th from 4 years, he get a chance to live with full of benefits whatever he wants to do he can.. Because 'He is a Boy'. Whereas a girl can't do anything unless marriage after she gets passed in all the studies. And after job also she can't enjoy her life whatever she wanna to do... Because 'She is a Girl'. Why Why God this differenciation is done to us?? Yes, She is a girl and she's has the right to do what she wanna to do. Nobody has a fuckin' right to stop her. But whatever she wants to do she has to go with a different struggle. Struggle like society, family. She's has to Raise her voice before whatever she has to done in her life except marriage. ~yashasvi_roxx