

Little Buddha and Ananda
The Little Buddha was giving sermon under a Banyan tree with all his disciples sitting close by him. with keenly ears everyone was listening to little Buddha . Ananda the favorite disciple of Buddha was getting distracted from a distinct distracting noise of a crow cawing continuously from a nearby tree . Ananda was getting disturb as he was not able to concentrate and he got up to shoo away the crow .
Little Buddha interrupted him and ask him to take a handful of grains from his begging bowl and keep it under that tree and Ananda did it .
Now there was no noise except the cool breeze gushing .
Ananda got Curious that how little Buddha knew the bird was hungry and he ask him
O 'Enlightened' one how did you know the crow was hungry and it needed food.
Little Buddha said - O Ananda sometimes you don't need knowledge to know everything except observation . You saw the crows noise and i saw the nest on the tree
And here Ananda learned to be more wiser than he was yesterday.

- Kairav Kumar