

Methic Proportions
I wake up like something inside me wants to get out. It's late, maybe early morning as I roll over to face my sleeping beauty of a wife. I go to the bathroom, ready to start my day until the powers that be inside my ever stirring head decide to make me painfully aware there is no meth coursing through my veins. I curse, a little too loudly judging by Laura’s reaction. She remains asleep. Good. I should be the one who has to face this, not her. She was never the addict, only a willing party to the party, as it were. Suddenly I flashback to singing, in class, something about being the drug free class of 2000. I can't help but laugh at my brain’s timing. Laura stirs again. Dammit. I walk toward the living room, taking
the middle cushion on the sofa. It’s gonna be yet another endless day with nothing to do, inside myself. Thankfully I have Laura. At over 21 years together now, it seems like I never knew life before we met, just babies really, on the internet. Good ole AOL! Now that was a throwback to better days, for sure. It was the year 2000, and Marilyn Manson was still a very prominent entertainer. Had his name, or the word “bisexual" for that matter, not appeared in search results under my profile, it might not have happened the way it did. But, as we stand I was a bisexual Marilyn Manson fan at the time, and the rest I guess is my story. I let the blanket I was using fall to the floor as I get up yet again, so very antsy. I wondered about the other 41 girls who were also present on the list of “bisexual Manson fans”. I wonder where they are now? Do they know at one point they were “considered”? Do they even know that I won and they lost?
© Stephanie Lauren Morgan