

In an ancient years life was so easy and completely non competition,as fast as it would seem we won't there those were historical moments and they can't be reversed or undone.But this is what has not crossed on our minds why does it have to change to future,the life it's growing and living life also are growing becoming what was to what is.
This life is full fillings to some and others not,with so much going around the world we have forgotten to cherish the past times which were there to keep us going.Dont forget behind that's what elders would say,the pattern of behind was long passed but it was the best to live in,now we magnitude to the gravity of things that don't matter at all.Our souls still beg for those old good times,nothing was promised back then,look we were living the life of legends and the majesties,parading in different kind art life characters to what it is right now.Yes the future needs to come and change,but not change our cultural life.Remember those good morning time when y'all sit together and eat breakfast on table and just wondering what today is gonna be like,and smiling with teasing one another with all that joyment of being together,when you left the house it was all quite, surely it became also lonely when you're gone,cause we all had something to do,go to school child,go work to work father and mother and grandpa I his around he'll be with his best buddies at the barbershop playing some good old music.No we all in a rush to this knew life that being nothing but leaving us falling and forth for what we really want for the future.
Technology has taken all it's can from us,the joy and happiness is becoming it's first priority in this time,gotta WhatsApp no matter what,my fans need to see my every move,I'm up building a business through online can't be dealing with pen and paper.That other child has more obsession with games and websites more be does for his books,it's a crazy thing,but we living to rush for the future.
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