

Mother May I : Part 1
Run, whispered a voice. Kate tossed and turned in her sleep hearing repeated whispers of fear and anxiety. "AH!" Kate shot up, extremely awake and alert, a cold sweat dribbling down her forehead. Her breaths were sharp and shallow, her head pounded, her chest hurt and her legs were numb. "Hey Kate? Are you alright sweetie?" Came a voice from the door. It was her mom. "Uh, I think so." she replied. "Well, I made pancakes for breakfast and you better beat your brothers to them. You know how they are, they will pig them in one go." She giggled and her mom left the room. One minute later she was downstairs munching on some delicious, fluffy pancakes. Her mom suddenly appeared in the kitchen doorway, "Kids, as you know, the government has created a game. It's for population control. But, if you fail, you won't die. Only if you're eliminated in the final, then you're done for. It's called,"Mother May I", obey the system above your head, and survive! Don't and be disqualified, also, if you win the finals, you win a million dollars!" After her mom stopped rambling on about the game, Kate got up and grabbed her bag. "Gotta go!" she said and left the house.

Halfway to the school she heard a weird ding noise, she looked up and saw text reading, "Welcome to Mother May I! You May only ask to do something beginning with," Mother May I" Soon, a robotic female voice read the sentence aloud. "Mother May I enter school?" Kate questions. "You may!" replied the voice. So, Kate entered.

At the end of the school day, a problem occurred. "Mother May I leave?" Kate asked. "No, You May Not!" said Mother. Kate sighed. "Mother, May I call mom?" "No, you may not!" Mother repeated.
Half an hour passes.
Kate decided to try again," Mother, May I go home?" Relief washed over her after Mother replied with,"You may!"

Kate finally entered her house and she was granted permission to plop down on the sofa. Her mom stormed in, "Kate! You naughty girl! Where were you? You didn't even have the decency to call me!" "Sorry mom" Kate began,"The game wouldn't let me leave school, let alone call you." Her mother asked the game (mother) to sit beside her and she agreed. "Awh, I'm sorry for misunderstanding- Mother May I hug my daughter?" "You may!" "I love you Kate, you know that, right?" Her mom gabbles as she hugs her. Kate nods.

"Mother May I go to sleep?" Kate yawns. "You may, but only for 2 hours" "UGH! SERIOUSLY?" "Mother has decided you can only sleep for 30 minutes as a penalty for anger towards the system" "I SWEA-- ...calm down Katelyn, it will only make it worse to be frustrated." Kate set an alarm for 29 minutes, the extra minute just in case she doesn't wake up the first time the alarm rings, she doesn't want to get disqualified, not yet anyway.
© Bangchan
Stay tuned for part 2!
#MotherMayI #Part1 #DarkStory