

birchwood episode5[S2]the truth behind the mask
a you child walks down the alley looking for his mom

when he ssees a man

"hey sir can you help me"
ssid the boy

"yeah with what"
said the man

"to find my mom"
Said the boy

the guy punches the child in the face the kid screams

the man grabs him and opens the van doors

he throws the child in and taped him up

he gets in the car and drives away

3 days later

the body of a human person laying down on the table for examining

"the body was found in a lake in Baltimore the killer killed the boy and put a mask on him to cover his face"
said Shane

"the victim is a child between the ages of 4-6"
said Michelle

"well I hate however killed this kid and Hope's he burns in hell forever"
said Mary

"the victim has defensive injuries around the chest also the breaking to his skull suggest his was punched in the face"
said Vincent

"okay so I match the dental records and our victim in Ricky riley reported missing 4 days ago"
said Mary

"our killer is a sadist, what if he's trying to accomplish something"
said Shane

"like what"
said Michelle

"the type of maks is like a doll mask"
said shane

"the masked is paper mache"
said Jeff

"so he made the mask so he has supplies"
said shane

"yeah Shane's right"
said Michelle

"I got bad news a lease 7 kids younger than 9 have gone missing in the area"
said Mary

"you think he took those kids too"
said Shane

"if he did take those kids he's probably gonna do the Same thing he did today"
said Michelle

everyone looks at the body


a man turns on some classical music and grabs a knife

three kids are tied up to a table

the man slowly goes up to the knife and grabs the knife


Mary examines the mask

"Mary you found anything"
said Jeff

"nope that mask was hand made and it isn't inspired by anything"
said Mary

"so no"
said Jeff

Michelle walks in

"Mary have you found anything"
said Michelle

"well not really"
said Mary

Shane runs into Mary's office

"Shane what happened"
said Michelle

"another body was found in a lake and the body is wearing the same kind of mask that our victim had"
said shane

"he's killed another person"
said Jeff

"wheels up in 5:00"
said Shane

said Michelle

Shane and Michelle drive to the...