

An encounter with myself
I loved him very much but i never told him that i thought if i will tell him that it will broke our friendship and i will lose my best friend so i thought leaving him is better then being with him so i just move away from the city i changed my number i blocked him from all my social networking sites and tried to start new life but i was unable to forget him i tried many things but he doesn't leave my mind or you can say heart and then after 4 years i bumped him in a bar where i was drinking to distract my mind from him because it was his birthday and i was not there to celebrate with him .But every effort of mine go in vein when i met him there .
he saw me and came to me and then he asked me "hey roohi how are you ?,why you moved out and didn't leave a hint of trail behind you i was trying to contact you since you left?".I was in a mixture of emotion or you can say i was confused whheter to cry or laugh at my situation the one person from whom i was running is here i gathered my thoughts up and said"hey aryan! i am suprised what are you doing here ?well i lost my phone in process of moving out that's why i was unable to contact you sorry i have been very busy in my life well damn!! your girlfriend looks awesome"i was that occupied with him that i didn't saw her but she is truely gorgeous and then he replied "well no she is not my girlfriend apparently she is my wife we just got married two months ago her name is ria. " well that literally broke my heart in piece I didn't thought my night can be much worse than this but it was just the beginning because then she spoke she said to me"hey ! you are cute well I think till he would have told you who I am but I need to say thank you to you "I was shocked and I asked her"why???"she said well he told he loved you and the night you left he was going to propose you so thank you that you left him thank you didn't try to contact him."she was saying lot more but my world started to crumble and my life my decisions became blurry at that moment I realized that I was running from something for four which will never gonna be happen not because of others not because of destiny but because of my cowardness ,my fears I didn't cry that night I just smiled I talked to him I told him how much I missed my best friend and when I reached home I just thought one thing over and over to my self "no more running just face " and I realized someone said right that running away just leave regrets behind.....

© stuart