

The Era of Damnation ( Part 2 ) #1
Part 2
Chapter 1

..2 years later..

It's been a long time since the Alberdors species has lost their companion, Gamur, for an unknown reason, he has been missing for all this time, his friends and companions got extremely worried, but eventually they moved on, they assummed he was dead by now... except one specific person..

" Sarvia! Where are you going??? " - Exclaimed Anathia worried about Sarvia's well being.

" I'm gonna go explore again! I wanna have fun! " - Said Sarvia while trying to run away from Anathia.

" You are going after him aren't you?! He is gone!!! You have to move on! " Exclaimed Anathia in an agressive tone this time, as she says this, Sarvia stops in her tracks and turns around, slapping Anathia in the face with brute force, as purple tears start to run out her eyes, falling from her face.

Anathia flinches with this, now strapping back from the pain quickly feeling regret, knowing this was a touchie subject ro Sarvia.

" You dont know that!! No one knows that! they are just too dumb to think! Gamur would never leave us! and if he did, he wouldn't DIE EITHER!.. I know him since we were kids.. I know Gamur.. He wouldn't leave us!..HE WOULDN'T!..... . . .
I'm.. going after him.. Stay out of my way.. " - Says Sarvia in emotional pain as she gets back on the run into the wilderness as she cries.

" ...Why doesn't she understand?.. " - Says Anathia in a sad tone as she heads back inside.

Sarvia runs off into the woods, taking out of her bag a Uthorium gem as she clears her tears right after, she then runs into a cliff, now jumping off of it, when doing this, she immidiatly uses the Gem to levitate herself in the air, starting to fly in the air while using the Gems power to do so.

" I'm coming Gamur.. Just you wait.. "

After a few hours of flying, Sarvia was starting to aproche dangerous zones of the continent, as she now can see dozens of Ancients walking around all of the place very far away from her.

" So.. many Ancients, I've never seen 2 at the same time let alone 7.. " - She says afraid yet super hyped by this, as she loves these gigantic creatures for their impressive genetics.

As Sarvia continued to fly on the skies, she quickly notices something aproching at high speed into her, when she was about to react this thing quickly strikes on Sarvia, grabbing her with its massive claws, grabbing her by the shoulders.

" !! Oh fuck Oh fuck Oh fuck! " - She says as her armor protects her from the claws penetrating her skin, she instantly loses focus on Uthorium energy, now stop to levitate, only flying thanks to the beast that was grabbing her.

It was a Grover, a dragon winged bird like creature, these ones were massive as they could reach up to 4 meters in height, and 6 meters in length, they had tiny arms and legs with sharp claws and sharp fingernailed hands on them, they also had a sharp uthorium charged beak like mouth, that they could use as a ranged type weapon, as this beak had the ability to copy itself on the form of energy projectiles.

" Can't let the gem fall, without it I will die. " - Says Sarvia to herself as the beast screeches in anticipation of new found food.

Note: I recomend listening to the song " Final Fantasy XV ost Omnis Lacrima " when reading this part.

The Grover gently flies through the skies, carrying Sarvia with it, untill they arrived a giant mountain, where its nest was, the Grover then trows Sarvia onto the nest with agressiveness, as Sarvia falls on her back but quickly regains ballance.

" You wanna fight uh? Survival of the fittest?! THEN LET'S GO YOU WINGED DRAGON BITCH! " Screams Sarvia making the Grover flitch on the air, The grover immidiatly gets mad, as he now rushes down into Sarvia, it tries to hit sarvia with its Giant claws, but Sarvia uses the gem to create a energy shield around her before the Grover flies up again, screeching in rage.

Sarvia then harnests the shields power to create a giant laser that shoots into the Grover, but, it dodges rapidly now about to strike again, the grover lands on the ground now starting to strike Sarvia with its claws.

" Shit!! " She says as she starts to run away from the grover trying to aborve the power of the gem while doing so, in panic, she does it correctly and tries to shoot yet another laser at the Grover, this one dodging again.

" Shit!! shit shit shit! " - She yells as she was about to be teared apart by the grover.

But.. this one is then quickly grabbed by something way.. way bigger than him, an Ancient, this one atleast 200 meters tall, reached for the mountain, grabbing the Grover and quite literally, eating it alive, the Grover screeching in pain before dying in the Ancients mouth.

". . . holy.. shit.. " - Says Sarvia in extreme shock now laying on the floor of the wood nest and just staring at the sky, starting to laugh from manic releaf.

She was about to get up, when she sees the giant ancient eye looking it her, this one from the same ancient that ate the Grover.

" .. aw fuck.. " - Sarvia says in terror.

End of Chapter 1

© Bito_Saiki