

The Dead Zone/ Chapter 6- The evacuation
"Only 15 could fit on the helicopter," The commander said.
"Crap and there are 26 of us!" Selly said.
'Use your brains stupid humans!' Alexa said, 'A set will stay back and the others will come on later.'
"But it would be too late for the helicopter to go and come back for the others," Tan said.
"No it will work, in a way. But sacrifice would need," Daisy said.
A soldier said, "Commander, we are ready to die to save the survivors."
Commander said, "Indeed, let six of the survivors go and the five other survivors would stay with me and four more soldiers."
"Then we better stay," Tom said as he looked at Bob.
"OK damn," Bob said.
"I will stay yeah," Kelly said.
Rio said, " May and I are better than the else from us so we would stay."
"Why are you carrying me in between?" May asked.
"It is needed we can't just take the chance of letting the others die," Rio replied.
"OK OK ugh," May said.
The ten stayed back as the helicopter launched and the people looked down hoping they would stay alive.
"We better stop the zombies from coming up the tower," The commander said.
"Serge, the expected thing is happening," A soldier said, "The zombies have surrounded the tower from all sides. We better defend ourselves."
The commander picked up his walkie talkie to talk to the pilot as the others killed the zombies who came about.
Within fifteen minutes, the helicopter returned and the pilot informed that they were landing on the next building which was clear.
"Are you serious? How will we go down and fight the zombies and enter that building and defend ourselves before getting evacuated?" Kelly asked.
"We just need to fight back," The commander said as everyone followed him downstairs shooting zombies.
Kelly burred and followed the others downstairs.
Shooting hundreds of zombies,ex 8 pmthe ten of them reached the ground floor when one of the soldiers went deep into the apocalypse and got killed.
"I am running out of ammo!" May said.
"Just keep moving," The commander said.
When they were out of the building, they had their worst nightmare in from of them. Rocky the Mutant zombie stood on their way.
"Flamethrower!" A soldier requested.
Another soldier passes him a flamethrower and both of them used the fire to burn the giant.
This didn't make much damage instead it made the giant more angry.
The giant smashed both of the soldiers with it's fist.
"I got a small hydrogen bomb. If I get to that giant, we both will die to clear the way for you all," The last soldier said.
"Give me this. This is my order. Take the survivors to safety," The commander ordered, snatched the bomb and ran up the giant. The giant was fast for the commander and he smashed him into several pieces.
The giant now came for the others. Kelly saw the bomb was not pinched and she ran to pick it up and jump over the giant. Within seconds, Kelly activated the bomb as Rocky was about to smash her too but he failed and the bomb blew up Kelly with the giant.
The other five ran into the tower followed by the normal zombies.
After this, they were up in the terrace and the helicopter evacuated them. When they were safely flying up in the sky on that helicopter, Rio and May looked down to see that nothing was left in the city.
"This destruction will take centuries to be healed," May said.
Rio replied, "Well I guess this is just the beginning of something."

The end...? or of a beginning...?
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