

It is a lot easier to fall for a friend coz that person seems to know you more and that you know too well or you thought so. But even your good friend, closest friend, best friend or whatever you call it can be a total stranger. Everyone have their own secrets hidden and stories to tell.
Falling in love with a friend is easy but complicated. Their is always that block of hesitation that if ever you cross the line, will that person reciprocates the feeling? Will the friendship survives when you take the chance? Are you willing to take the risks? How will things be if so?
So many questions, so many doubts.
If ever I fell for a friend of mine, I will be willing to take my chances and the risk. It is now or never. I don't want to be a coward and pretend to be a good friend when I know I wanted more than just friends. Telling that person would also mean beingvm true and honest to both of us. I need not to guess but fave the truth whether he feels the same towards me or not. If ever he can't then at least I know where my place is. I have to let go and start moving and hope that we can still be good friends after my confession. There is nothing that will be misunderstood in a good talk with a good friend. Ofcourse I will be happy if my friend feels the same for me but I know at some point I must prepare myself for possibilities that things might won't last.
A good friend must understand that being loved and desired more than a companion is something you did not plan or intended to be. It was simply felt unexpectedly.
Good couples who survive obstacles through time are the best of friends. As you both age, it is friendship that remains in between that keeps the love and respect you have for each other. A friend is still the best person to fall for, after all he knew you alrwady even before.😍😘