

The Woman In Purple Dress
This happened to me when i went to visit my grandparents at Madera. If you don't know about Madera it is famous for fairs anyway when we reached our grandparents they greeted us and we went in to their house. I had a room myself upstairs with a lot of Victorian dolls as my grandmother loved them. At night i had bad dream that i was standing on my bed with black dirty insects i screamed and my little brother came to the door but behind her was a lady in a purple dress i never saw that woman before but as soon as my brother came to me she pierced her big nail into his heart and the woman said your parents aren't here I was shocked and with that dream i woke up. I was dumb kid at thaat time so i checked my brother if he was there but due to the dark i can't see him then i ruahed downstairs to see if my family was there but they were not there i cried on the stairs and my elder brother immidiately huged me and he also slept with me. The next day my elder brother told my parents and my mom was terrified. After that we visited my gradparents after 5 years and i was cleaning a shelf and i saw a family picture half torn i began to search for the picture but i did not found so i kept it away but when i was cleaning my room drawer i saw the half torn picture and to my horror i saw the same woman in the purple dressand i even joined the picture to my surprise the picture perfectly joined. I started questioning my mom about that and she told that she is percieved to be a witch and was also taking lives of people and later on was kicked out of the village. I have never met this woman before but my heart says that she is stalking you everywhere.

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