

Glass owl V.1 Part 1
She yawns stretching her legs and arms feeling and hearing a slight pop on her elbows and knees. She jumped up onto her feet looking at her refection in the mirror, her hair was in a messy and slightly curly pigtail. She looked the time on her alarm clock before grabbing a gray shirt that had the words "Go seagulls" on the front and back along with a pair of jeans from her closet. She quickly slipped it all on and grabbed her back back sprinting out of her room and to the front door before shopping. She could hear the sounds of yelling and shouting from her mother and father. A sour face crept into her face before she yelled "I'm off to school..!". She walked down the side walk seeing many other children walk in the same direction, most where talking among each other, while some where invested in there fancy tech glasses. Soon she arrived at the old building that many children where walking into in a straight and orderly manner. She quickly ran to the end of the line standing tall. Soon she made it into the old school and then she rushed to her classroom. When she got there she saw many other children chatting, she also saw the graffiti on her desk and along the walls of the old cold room. She held the straps of her bookbag tightly as she sat at her desk and looked at the ground. She wasn't very social at all, and many of the kids where nothing like her. No one seemed to see the same society that she saw. She soon her a loud bang making her head shoot up to see the old distraught lady in front of the room. Once the other children saw her they sat up straight in there chairs as if the place was a military camp, and easily it became completely silent. The woman spoke up in a loud and sturn tone "Okay now that you rats have finally learned to shut your traps, we can start today's lesson." She remarked. "I have amazing news for you all. Earlier today I learned that Milly has died to a gun shooting that happened yesterday." She added, this earned a gasp from one of the children before she covered her mouth, she had tears threatening to spill from her eyes. The woman up front stared daggers at the girl before slamming her hand on the girls desk and yelling "Don't intrupt my class with your pity water droppings." She exclaimed making the port girl shake in fear and shake her head yes while wiping her eyes of the tears. "I can hear you" the teacher growled, "Y-Yes Mrs. Titan" the girl whispered in a frightened tone. The teacher then when back to her desk and looked around the room before pointing at the puffy and red eyed girl, "You, your going to be our test subject today" The girl stood there to entire class having to drink harmful fluids and throwing up quite a bit. once school ender Luana walked home, when she opened her front door she saw both her mother and father sitting on their couch with sour faces. She cocked an eyebrow as she came Iside and closed the door. "What's the matter.." the girl asked. The both looked at each other beft looking back at her, her mother spoke up and said "Were getting a divorce Luana.."
© a quiet echo
Word: 579
Sentence: 29