

The city.
In Texas, Diego nervously wait at 9:45am in the morning for his wife and children, he never left any penny for his wife before going to work. His beautiful and adorable wife, barely changes her clothes due to the lack of care from her husband.
Imagine Diego, will never treat her like a pet. but he will rather treat her like a slave. But still Vivian was madly in love with him. Her love and affection for Diego was irreplaceable, despite his cruelty and stubbornness she can't just do without him. But something happened. Since then, Diego never think of his sweet and beautiful wife.
Vivian was an house wife she used the rest of her day at home. Those times she want to apply for a work, and she told her husband about it. But her cruel and evil husband never approved it. Rather than giving her the best beating of her life. She was really pathetic and heartbroken she started soliloquizing. .......
★could this be diego?, Is this really him!, Why is he so heartless? Why is he treating me like this?......
★ has he forgotten me? Am I no more in his memory she muttered........
Vivian was in deep she barely remember she put something on fire.
She hurriedly went to the kitchen to save her delicious food. Unfortunately the food was already burnt, she was really angry and tired of her life.
★Diego left the company at midnight. as they were in the middle of preparing for the company 28th anniversary next month. he came home around 2:00am. He was really exhausted, tired and weak. His lovely wife has already prepared his delicious meal. Diego slammed the door angrily, he was really hungry. His wife offered him Amala and egusi soup. That was his favorite food but he doesn't have the appetite to eat it. With anger he threw the plate of Amala and egusi soup to his innocent wife face.
After that he smashed the glass of wine to her face. It caused a great cut to her face. She was really bleeding, it got to an extent she can't breath again. She managed to talk. she pleaded to her evil husband to find a way to stop the bleeding. He was just standing and looking like a dummy★
*He wasn't ready to serve as an help for her. Vivian removed her scarf and tied it to the cut on her head and face. she tried to suppress the bleeding... She immediately took iodine and Cotton wool, with a plasta, in order to clean the blood, and stop the bleeding. But still Diego never moved an inch. he doesn't even pity her beautiful wife. But instead, he was mocking her and laughing at her. All because she was smelling, and she wears one clothes for a week........... But still her beauty can never fade away.
The party * The company's 28th anniversary was celebrated in one of the biggest hotels in Texas. The bulb been set was really bright even a blind man can felt the reflection. The table was decorated with wines, a lots of red roses, gigantic candles and a lots of pink roses decorated around the table.................................................. Everyone was having a lots of fun even Diego was really excited, because his favorite drink. which is scotch was given to him, the music was really loud even people living 30miles, away from the hotel was hearing them. ⚫everyone danced to the extent that they started feeling tired and weak. After the jubilation the music went down. Miss joy the owner of the company came to the stage...!!!! She addresses everyone, told them how it was really hard for her the first time she laid the foundation of the company. it got to a situation whereby kidnappers took her as captives and she was striken with sickness. But she gave glory to God she's alive hail and healthy......... She gave the “DJ» the microphone back " and she left the stage. The Dj hit back to the music again. Everyone danced with a lots of schnapps into their mouths. ‘they dance and danced till dawn'........................................ ★When everyone was awake. some of the executives in the company were just conversing in gibberish words. due to intake of too much quantity of schnapps. But Diego was okay! He only had two bottles of scotch. After getting back into his senses, he headed straight to the garage, entered into his car, hit on the Tuttle, hold his steering and went home immediately. ★Vivian was really excited to see his sweetable and handsome husband. Unlike her evil husband, Diego rather covered his nose. rather than giving her a blossom welcome. This makes Vivian really pathetic and weak. But Diego didn't care about her feelings or emotions, he hitted her with several punches on her head, and aggressively pushed it against the wall. He yelled at her and asked her what she cooked for him. What a schmo human being, he never pitied the bruise on his wife face he never knew what he caused made his wife head to be bleeding all what he cares about is his stupid meal. men are demons they are really evil they are heartless Vivian was in a deep thought.. not realizing her husband was staring at her since 45minutes ago all because of she's a sad woman. Diego threw a plate into her head she immediately came back to her senses. She went to the kitchen and gave him his favorite food...... She never had hatred for him, she's willing to give her life to him even though he wants to kill her. All because of she doesn't wanna break the wedding oath....... ★ She's really madly in love with him. she gave the meal to him. he ate it with excitement. Immediately he was fast asleep is just like a sleeping pills was put inside his food, he slept like a New born baby and his snoring is just like a lion roar. Vivian is a saddiest since 2 years of their marriage her loveable husband never treats her well nor look into her eyes. but he either beats her or treats her like a slave. She has never had a good meal of her life. She stinks and was really disgusting just like the pigs in their mud. She really looks “shaggy” just like a broom stick....... She believes someday everything will be fine so.....