

The beauty in living for Jesus
The beauty in living for Jesus do we ever get to the point where in our life nothing ever works do we complain is there too much drama in our life are you laying in your bed at night and cry because we can't provide for our family where do we get money to pay on our mortgage do we have enough food to get through the week they are turning off our electricity to tomorrow and will be in the dark if your life is this way there's something wrong you're not stopping to to be thankful to give praise to Jesus and worship him most important living for him that's a must and what he's done for you are you unthankful to be perfectly honest you leaving Jesus out of your life and you say I've got peace in my life you need to really examine yourself Jesus is the Prince of Peace no Jesus in your life no peace do we live for excitement and the thrills of life yes it feels good it only lasts for a little while and it's gone true peace comes from only Jesus Christ and that lasts there is a beauty in living for the Lord you going to go through this life with pain sorrow and heartache if you don't live for the Lord you're going through it without him don't reject him except his salvation he is a rewarder of those diligently seek him that means prayer reading your Bible and going to church oh that's a hard thing for me to do I won't go to church I would n't not like that living for Jesus is salvation peace joy blessings and much more we can't even imagine this is for all walks of life rich and poor Jesus gives us a choice blessings or cursing be honest with yourself which one do you choose. Malachi 2:2 If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.