

Ch.3 Pt.2: Temptation Without Shame
Fionn was there and as normal he had a small enclave of his elite band. She knew without a doubt he had been plundering fae lands. She saw Gavin and her eyes darkened and glowed demonically as she used her element to quickly and without warning lift him and slam him against a wall of the training arena. Bones broke and Fionn whirled around in fury at his sister and the other warriors just fell to their knees as the queen stood there in a green dress that was the color of grass in early spring and wrapped around her and tied at her neck as a halter. She wore a fur of soft white around her shoulders and her silvery white hair flowed down.

“What in the name of Annwyn was that for Piuthar?” Fionn roared.

“Ask Nemain and your boy Gavin. Gwydion will not allow such a taint upon his beloved child. Keep his dick away from her. He would rather it was you anyway.” Arianrhod said in a sarcastic snit.

Fionn was beyond incensed and horrified. He had had no idea that Gavin would have touched his beloved niece. He knew the younger man looked at him in adoration but in anything but some sort of hero worship?

“How dare you Piuthar!” Her brother who controlled Thunder itself roared.

“How dare I? How dare you! You made an oath; a solemn promise and you break it every day.” She said as her blue eyes turned green when she was especially cold.

Fionn roared for the arena to be emptied and his warriors tended Gavin. Arianrhod stared at Fionn and he stared at her. The current of fury and more was building between them. His own elements were near his surface as static and the skies were darkening suddenly.

“I admit; I have been hunting this fae down. His passion for you is unacceptable. I cannot allow it again.” Fionn said bluntly meaning how she had loved Nwyvre.

“You cannot allow it again? Who are you to dictate my heart little brother? You who left me that beautiful night! You who deny what is truth but cannot give me an inch!” She screamed at him.

“I would be like everything else Arianrhod. I choose to serve you out of my love and devotion as your warrior. I show you my love and true devotion by removing enemies in your wake whether you recognize them or not!” He snarled at her.

Her current shoved him against the wall of his training grounds and she was furious. He was furious but two lone bloody tears fell down her face. She should have left but she stormed up to him and ripped his homespun black tunic and bared his sculpted white chest.

“Your mother Halldora asked me to foster you in this court because she knew you preferred your ekimmu side. I love your mother as I love you.” Arianrhod spoke hoarsely.

“Then release me!” Fionn growled.

“No.” She growled back.

Her lips pressed against his and he could not move. Fionn had forgotten what her lips tasted like and she was not stopping the maddening kiss. She was the only person ever who could make him weak. Fionn wanted to slip to the ground and just die in this second. Arianrhod released him and his powerfully built body crushed her as he lifted her and his brain was screaming this was all wrong. She grew angrier and she smacked him. His own growls were terrifying and she phased them. They were near the ocean and Fionn pushed her back and he ripped her green wrap dress from her. She pulled herself up by his ripped tunic and with one hand undid his thick leather belt. Arianrhod fell back on the sand and began tearing at the lacings of his leggings and his thoughts were gone.

“You coward! You my mightiest man! My most powerful warrior and you deny me yourself. Well not this moment Bràthair! You are jealous of Ailduin because he will do what you want. You will do what WE want!” His beloved queen hissed in his face.

Arianrhod was crushed under him and Fionn was not drunk under fae blood; hell, he was not even close to needing blood at this moment but she was right. He was hunting the fae man out of pure green envy. His queen/love held his maleness and she actually used her other hand to help guide him in. Fionn’s arms shook violently as she stared up at his emerald eyes that matched hers for the moment. His eyes were an odd hazel; walnut brown and pewter like grey mixed to produce a haunting effect. Arianrhod loved his beautiful eyes and his perfect white-blonde hair. His mother Halldora had sent him to Arianrhod’s court early as a small child and she would play with his long whitish hair. Her child-self had adored this half- brother for his stoic loyalty but Arianrhod knew deeply he felt and when he would allow himself to feel; it was a momentously exquisite thing.

“Arianrhod, I swore to myself…” Fionn tried to say but it came out a whimper.

“You never swore to me about this! Coward! You coward!” She continued to hurl her insults at him.

Fury hit him and thrust hard inside of her and she came up. His anger and yes, even guilt was eating him alive as he began to harshly pummel her sweet center. Her breathless screams were music to him and the Lord of Thunder was lost in how their own bodies met over and over. Arianrhod ended up clawing his down his pristine back and he cried out in that unusual sound their kind made. Blood oozed from the wounds in his back and his relentless pounding was reaching annihilation. She kissed him and it undid him on every level. He tried to jerk himself from her body but Arianrhod wrapped her legs around him tightly and he was shaking forcefully through his completely rigid body. The sounds of painful pleasure left his throat and he felt her body shaking too. She refused to release him and he stared at her eyes. They were blue again but she sat up and moved his hair. Her fangs sank into his juncture and the crushing lust/love was unreal. Arianrhod drank from him and she fell back. She turned her head to bear her throat and his chest was heaving. He hesitated for several minutes then he sank his own teeth into her soft, silk like throat. He drank and drank until he actually slowly passed out. He was exhausted and she had brought them to a private sanctuary all of her own.

Arianrhod had been pining for Fionn for hundreds of years and she was tired. She was sick and tired of his; I am holier than thou art. She loved him well as she loved Gwydion but if truth was told, she loved Fionn more. She also loved her fae man; Ailduin and she would have him too!
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#historicalfiction  #mythology #celtmyth #welshmyth #godsandgoddesses #elf #fey #elvenfiction