

my letter to GOD
When's it my turn? Why am I always on the outside looking in? Am I that desperate that starved for the companionship of another that I allow someone to come into my life and tear me into a million pieces. Shy does it always hurt so bad? First I'm filled with all these wonderful feelings. So I give so much to them,to the point that they become ungrateful and selfish. And in my madness I try harder and harder giving all of me,losing all of me. Why am I doomed to repeat this cycle of endless emptiness. You let me feel it once. He loved me and I adored him,everything was perfect. But I blinked and you took it away him away. I've never recoverd!! Please lord tell me,did I offend u? Was I not a good child ?Were my prayers not loud enough or my offering is not good enough?When will u ever forgive me for the wrong I have done? Because I'm so sad and tears fall from my eyes so much. The emptiness and loneliness is killing me and I dont want leave this earth without knowing g love again. Please care for me please he as r me please love me, please