

The Keybladers

© Aaron Disney The Last Of Heavenly Keys

Chapter 1 It's been almost 10 years sense end of the a
second keyblade war with master xenonart and when master sora gave his heart key did xblade laid dormant for years as world move on so did the keybladers died out when realms were returning all of us didn't remember what took place for all of us were sent back to our own worlds over time we forgotten our past of who we once were but somehow I was in apartment in zootopia when saw the words a scatter dream is far off memory and memory is like scatter dream those Ecco in my heart what do they mean what scatter dream and what far off memory it then felt someone was there but I couldn't see him yet I felt he was close but someone I could the stranger smiled as he said you make the perfect vessel max he said with that stranger was gone but his memories live inside of me with me was unusual book then words appear the shepherd journal I took then this shepherd journal walk with then I felt as i walking in someone else body which i now remember this as I saw Master sora smiling he said you truly are my key I arrived at academy near new tokyo there I was greated by a Japanese female human her name was moka hello I'm max geef Disney who are you moka are you really anthro yes indeed all way from United Districts of Tomorrowland UDT that awesome never met anthro before come on max as she hugs me this was since high school that after I Roxanne and grew we drifted apart but I feel like I have new friend she is whole lot better we then head to class unknowingly moka father heard the news that keyblader has come to Kaiju school he was furious decided to keep close eyes on son of george so sora key has found our secret academy this I must talk to others about the enemy has come little did he know after months have passed max meet few friends each of them were great even tsukune then it happened the plague hit and now armies of Kaiju came like a storm hit every sector.