

where should I go?
The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear it as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source. I couldn't help but wonder what it was. a part of me told me to run, that I probably don't want to know but I really did. I walked slowly but stopped in my tracts as I saw light in another direction. I looked around and crotched behind a tree. watching whoever was to pass by but also having my eyes on the direction I wanted to go to. my mind wouldn't wonder off the sound. yet the light kept me from going. it seemed familiar yet my curiosity wanted me to explore the dark. Why am I so indecisive? I want to see but I dont. It might be dangerous or it may not be.
the light was slowly fading. the darkness was slowly taking over the parts that the light was slowly leaving. I stood up as I heard footsteps. I quickly made my way towards the dark. I moved the leaves out of the way to see but on the other side of me I saw the light.
what way did I want to go? somewhere nice and safe? or somewhere that would be completely different? where I didnt know what was going to happen...
where should I go?
© Alexiehooper