

My Dear Crush
Jungkook's POV :

Today, I was playing with him after a long time. YES, a long time. After whole 7 days. I missed him. His giggles, his curled up wavy hairs, his body smile which was as cute as a teddy bear. I missed his lame jokes, I missed every bit of him.

As I am back to the city again, after a week, I am playing with him again, my crush Taehyung.

[Jungkook had a huge crush on his classmate and best friend Taehyung, he went out of the city for a week and he was back now so he played with Taehyung.]

Taehyung's POV :

Aish! What a hot day! Isn't the sun too bright and loud today?
Umm.. I anyways want to play so it's okay.

Should I ask Jungkook-ah about visiting the amusement park?

He he he (Giggling)

Jungkook asked Taehyung : What happened Tae Tae? Didn't you just laugh?

"I just did " replied Taehyung.

Jungkook's POV :

Are you fine baby? (Thinking to himself) I hope you are. You must be, hehe.

Taehyung's POV :

Now he laughed, he's so stupid. He copies me a lot but he's my cutie pie best friend he he.

[Both of them played together and spent a whole day together playing]

"Bye, see ya bunny" said Taehyung to Jungkook as he took his leave.

Jungkook's POV :

I wish the days were a little longer, I'd get to spend more and more time with you then.

Tae Tae, you're my treasure. I do not even know when did I fell for you but.. One thing that I am sure of is.. I can leave anything but not you.

For as long as I live and as long as I love, I will never not think about you. :)

[Time Skips]

Taehyung went back to his home and after a bath, he got downstairs for the dinner.

"What's wrong with you my son?" Asked Mrs. Jennie Kim, Taehyung's mother.

"Pardon eomma!" Replied Taehyung in a shaking voice.

Mother's POV :

Tae looks sick, I must take care of my only child. I had been so busy and ignorant towards him and that is the reason why I was unaware of his sickness, I feel so ashamed of myself.

"Tae Tae?"

"Yes eomma."

"Can you pass on the salad please?"

"Sure, here you go."

"I will take you to a physician tomorrow."

"What? To a doctor? Why eomma?"

"After finishing your dinner, get upstairs and have a bath. Sleep early tonight. No arguments."

[The whole conversation Jennie and his son, Taehyung went like that at the dining table.]

(Soon, Taehyung ate his dinner and ran back to his room.)

Taehyung's POV :

Ah! How did eomma got to know I'm ill? Who could tell her?

Such a mess.. Life is.

I wanted to visit an amusement park tomorrow.

(Taehyung kept murmuring and talking to himself)

A loud high pitched sound knocked the doors of Taehyung's ears,

"Go to bed Taehyung!"

Taehyung went to take a bath quickly and got outside after 20 minutes of hot water shower. He took his phone and texted someone and while waiting for a response he fell asleep.

[Chapter One End.]

#Taekook #vkook