

My Life Diary part 6
So finally I survived yesterday at college. Students were few so we studied just two classes even though the teachers wanted to take other classes but my classmates said No sir / mam we will study from tomorrow cause today is the first day after a vacation.And yaaa as usual the day was so Böring. Thankfully it is over now. And yup we had new juniors in our college Hahaaa they were silent just like the silence before the storm. They were scared a little but not like they way my batch was scared when we were juniors. But those juniors got little blast at first day cause our seniors went to there class for into. Poor kids I was full of laughter casue the juniors said they are ragging them. Come on dude that's not ragging that was simple introduction. And yaaa my classmates were so much eager to seee them and they did. Our principl was so possessive of them. I know the whole scheme simply to make them think our principl is best he protects us from seniors. Hahaaa dear juniors you will get to know everyone's real face in upcoming time.
And I saw my college crush there. I guess five times but he didn't saw me. When we were outside the door he passed from there and so we both saw each other. I know he looked at me but I didn't look at him and didn't maintained any sort of eye contact. It is so though I swear but yaaa it is not impossible. And guess what I will now go to college after somedays until everyone joins. My crush will be looking for me may be in these days. And yaaa I guess he will start hating me for not looking at him or diverting my eyes, or ignoring him. Well that's ok but I guess taking early steps is best than to wait till end and destroys life of others. I am saving both of us by doing this. I will go on my way and you will go to yours. Best of luck to me.
Aah I finally finished making assignment of my brother. One drawback of being at home is everyone thinks you are free hahahaa. But I feel so happy to help him reduce his burden. Anyway I finished it in one and a half hour. And then watched a movie. Hehehe I guess I do have free time. And had maggie and tea. Now I am writing this dairy entery.
So now the plans are that I am gona have lunch at 2 and then take a good luck at my syllabus and then start studying from tomorrow. I will study a little today or may me more will see later. But from tomorrow I am gonna study hard cause you know in college the students never tell you truth. They are like we didn't study a bit and we even forgot where our bags are. Yaaa they are acting like kiddos. And I have become a pro, even if I know the answer I act dumb and silent to not let anyone know that I have studied. Well done dear me Hahaaa. Anyways where were we. Yaa so from tomorrow I am gonaaa give time to studies, study hard and dont watch movies or c/thi/t/k/drams etc. Dear brain please be cooperative with me from tomorrow. And yaaa I am gona turn data off / restrict data to Snapchat too. Only YouTube for studies. Awww my head started aching. I guess it is in schok to know about studies... Dear head I will go you paracetamol but not let you drag myself back. Your pain doesn't matter now. Omg what a motivation. Heheee best of luck jokes apart now. Thank you Almighty for making me realize study is important. Even though it is late to start but it is not too late. I will study at any cost.

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