

Eternal Conflict (My Little pony)
Discription:A mighty monster has found itself in Canterlot. Princess Celestia herself decides to venture out to defeat the creature to keep her little ponies safe. Her method of doing so is... different

Princess Celestia, Sol Invictus, First of Her Name, The Rising and Setting Sun was no stranger to conflict. In her younger years, her and her sister had traveled all over the world. From the darkest pits to the highest hilltops the two had laid waste to all manner of monsters, daemons, spooks, and specters. It was they that had defeated the Ursa Major Utl’Noir. By their hooves and horns they destroyed the powerful lich Dead Seed. They even found time in their busy schedules to slay a wendigo or three. Even when Luna had fallen and Celestia was alone the alicorn had still been a force in the world, slaying armies and cracking open mountains as if they were eggs.

Many years have passed since those glorious days. The world had become a tamer place, a safer place; some could even claim that it had become smaller. Nearly all of the monsters of the world had gone, and the only threats now were usually made by ponykind itself. Until very recently that is.

A new creature had emerged from beyond the planes of existence. It was large, strange, with an alien intelligence unlike any that the princess had seen in her many years. It appeared in Canterlot one day and hadn’t left since, though the alicorn was able to keep it contained in the castle for the most part.

On first inspection, the creature didn’t appear threatening. It was noticeably larger than a pony, yes, but it had no fang or claw or horrible magicks at its disposal. It’s skin was thin and hairless, it’s speed rather unimpressive, and while its hands were admittedly useful for a wide variety of things, they were delicate things. For a less seasoned pony, it might have looked downright underwhelming.

Celestia knew better. All it had taken was a few conversations with it and she had known straight away. This creature, this “hyoo-man” as it called itself, was unlike any foe that she had ever faced. More dangerous that an Ursa Major, more destructive than an ancient dragon, more devious than Sombra himself. No magic that she knew could defeat it. The Elements of Harmony would have no effect on it. Sword, spear, or hammer would be useless against it. It almost couldn’t be considered a living thing. No, it was more a force of nature, something that couldn’t be stopped, only weathered until it moved on.

The princess wasn’t without her tricks however. Though she faced a truly mighty foe she would not yield. She was an alicorn; a goddess given flesh. She would defeat this threat to the world and her little ponies no matter the cost!

It was this mindset that spurred her through the hallways of her castle, head held high and her eyes focused forward. She was armed and armored, long, fuzzy socks on her hooves and her mane tied back into a ponytail. Her royal finery had been left in her personal chambers. They would do her no good in this battle.

Every once in awhile, on her trek to her greatest battle, she would cross one of her little ponies. A guard, one of her maids, a noble or a scribe; all of them going about their business completely unsuspecting what was about to unfold.

The ponies, though a little confused about her choice of attire, nevertheless enthusiastically greeted her. Were the situation not as dire, the princess might have stopped to converse at length with the mare or stallion. As it was she only had time to ask how their day was going, how their family members were, insist that pictures of newborn foals or the foal itself be brought to her immediately so that she might so that she might coddle and play with the adorable thing, and give her little pony a friendly nuzzle goodbye before she once again strode forward, steeling her heart and soul for the battle to come.

Celestia knew where the hyoo-men was. He was housed in the east wing of the castle, where traveling nobility and diplomats from various nations were kept. If she recalled, he was in a suite built specifically for a minotaur. Everything was slightly too cramped for him--a minotaur being at least a head and shoulders length smaller than him--but the furniture was close enough that he hadn’t complained.

Such a walk usually took no time at all, but for her it seemed like an eternity. Would she be able to beat this creature? Could it even be defeated? What would it do if she were not victorious?

It had been many years since she had last faced such a overwhelming foe, and without Luna by her side she felt almost naked. It couldn’t be helped however. Her sister couldn’t be a part of this, nopony could. It was too dangerous. The princess had to best this hyoo-man herself.

The hyoo-man’s door was unlocked. Obviously he had no fear of assassins or heros coming in to stop his plans, whatever they may be. Celestia took advantage of this pride, opening the door and striding into the suite without so much as a knock. Looking around, she could see the creature sitting in a chair too small for him, a book in his hands. No doubt he had gone down to the castle’s library and terrorized one of the librarians into giving it to him. The monster.

He looked up at her, eyebrow raised. Celestia puffed her chest out, closing the door behind her with a spell and locking it.

“I’ve found you, fiend,” she said, stomping a hoof in challenge. “Today your reign of terror ends. I shall defeat you; for the good of Equestria!”

The hyoo-man looked confused, book lower into his lap. Celestia could clearly see that it was a ploy, trying to lull her into a false sense of security. She strode forward, not daring to get too close to the creature, though she did begin to circle his chair, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

“You thought you were sly, coming into Canterlot, praying on my little ponies,” she continued. “Strutting in here as if you owned the place, tricking us with your kind demeanor and your petting.”

The princess batted the side of the hyoo-man’s face with her tail. It was a feint, trying to trick him into a disadvantageous position. The fiend must have seen right through her ploy, since he didn’t so much as twitch. Even so, Celestia leapt out of range, warily staring at his hands.

“But I know better. That’s nothing more than a mask. A nice, nonthreatening surface that hides a much more nefarious intent.”

She slowly made her way in front of him. Flicking her tail to the side, she exposed herself to the hyoo-man. His eyes fell onto her most sacred parts, and she dug the knife deeper by giving her rump a little shake.

A smile threatened to come to her face, though she managed to beat it down with a ruffle of her feathers. Celestia could see a glint in the fiend’s eye. She had him on the ropes already, but even so she needed to be very careful. One slip up would be her downfall.

“Don’t think that I haven’t seen your lewd gaze on my little ponies,” she said, staring at him hard. “Your eyes are glued to their rumps. I can see the hunger in those leering eyes, hyoo-man. You want nothing more than to drag a poor maid or one of my guard to some secluded part of the castle and have your way with them!”

She stomped her hoof again, slapping his chest with her tail, her circles becoming tighter and tighter around the chair.

“I shudder to think what you’d do to a poor, defenseless mare. She’d trust you at first do doubt, even allowing you to lead her harmony knows where. You’d sweet talk her, making her laugh, putting her at ease, and then you’d strike.”

Celestia nudged the fiend’s arm with her rump. A giggle escaped her as she felt him give her bottom a squeeze, but was able to hide it masterfully by clearing her throat.

“You could no doubt force yourself upon her if you wished, but you’d find no joy in that. No, devil that you are, you’d overwhelm the poor creature. Touch her, hold her, whisper sweet nothings in her ear. You’d torment her with your scent and those hands that you seem so proud of. By the time your pants were down her resistance would be in pieces.”

The hyoo-man leaned forward in his chair. The princess bumped her rump against his chest. He let out a grunt at the impact, but stayed where he was, even having the gall to lay his hands on her backside.

Celestia sucked a lungful of air through her teeth as she felt fingers dig into her cutiemarks, lifting her backend up into the air. Her wings flapped as she felt small, oddly-shaped teeth gently biting at her tail dock. Goddess though she was, she found her tail flagging as another giggle escaped her.

“Stoooooooop~” she whined, wiggling in his grasp, brushing her tail back and forth across his chest.

The hyoo-man’s grip on her loosened under the assault, allowing her to get away. Celestia booped the tip of his nose with her wing. She gave him a glare, which he returned with a smile as he reached out to try to touch her rump yet again. She deftly dodged his hand.

“How would you take the poor mare then I wonder? Have her service your cock with her mouth? Or perhaps you’d force yourself deep inside of her and pound her until her mind was broken? I can only guess to your desires, as I am not so vile as you.”

She continued to circle around him, batting him with her wings and tail. The fight wasn’t as one-sided as she would have liked. The hyoo-man fought back, using his long arms to grope and squeeze her. If she got too close he’d even dare to grab her royal person and hold her in place.

His teeth made her shiver, and his fingers made her belly heave. At one point the monster had even forced his head under her tail and began to use his small, thin tongue to lap at her marehood. Celestia might have been a goddess given flesh, but even a goddess couldn’t withstand such an assault for any length of time.

Her body betrayed her, pushing her rump back toward those vile little licks. She winked like some common whorse, letting out a moan as she felt the wet little muscle slipping inside of her. The alicorn flapped her wings, staring up at the ceiling.

The battle was quickly turning to her foe’s favor. She had to do something, but for the life of her she couldn’t think of what. With each lick she found it hard to do much of anything.

She winked against the hyoo-man’s tongue. He chuckled, wrapping his lips around her clit as it poked out again. Fingers digging into her flanks, holding her tightly in place, he began to gently suck.

It felt like a lightning bolt struck her. Celestia sucked in a strained gasp, eyes growing huge as she tried to pull away from the hyoo-man, heart pounding in her chest. That tongue slid across her clit, making her eyes cross. The alicorn’s body jerked, back legs shaking. Just as it felt as if she were about to be overwhelmed, the hyoo-man released her, allowing her most sensitive part to slip back into its hood. Were it not for the hyoo-man holding her up, she might have fallen to the floor in a heap.

Only now she understood that she had failed. There was no hope for her. The best she could hope for was to sate the beast so that he wouldn’t unleash his desires upon her little ponies.

With what little strength she could muster, the alicorn looked over her shoulder. She watched as the hyoo-man pulled back, licking her royal excitement from his lips. The alicorn could see his stallionhood threatening to burst from his pants. The hyoo-man was large compared to a pony, and it showed even between his legs. Even hidden by two layers of clothing, Celestia dryly swallowed.

It was a mare breaker. The tool of a demon. Her ruin. A slab of meat with one and only one function: to breed.

Using the back of her hoof to wipe the spit from her mouth, she tried to speak. If she were to see her end here she wanted to say something biting, meaningful.


The hyoo-man stood up. Reaching under her belly, he picked her up as if she weighed nothing, pressing her against his chest. Celestia managed to lightly pat him on the jaw with what little strength she had.

“You… you will not win, monster,” she said, as he carried her over to his bed. “Defile me if you must, but I will be the last. I swear by the Tree of Harmony.”

With surprising gentleness the hyoo-man placed her on the bed, her muzzle pointed to the ceiling and her legs splayed out. She wiggled, spreading her wings out a bit to get more comfortable as her foe unbuttoned his pants.

“You can ruin me for my own kind, treat me as nothing more than a sextoy, stuff all of my holes with your thick and virile seed--”

The hyoo-man leaned down, grabbing her by the hips and pulling her toward the very edge of the bed. He pressed his weight down on top of her, pinning the alicorn to the bed as he pressed his hands against her sides.

“Just one hole,” he said, giving her neck a kiss.

Celestia squealed, playfully pushing at him as he trailed kisses around her throat. Those quickly turned into nibbles, much to her delight.

“You fiend, you villain, you evil of evils” she said, tilting her head to the side to allow him better access to her neck. “You wish to turn me into nothing more than your broodmare? Rutting me over and over again until I grow heavy with your foals, forcing me to carry out my duties with your cum leaking out of me for the world to see. Have you no shame?”

“Nope,” the hyoo-man casually replied. “Though you really can’t talk, you weirdo.”

With a tug of his pants, his cock sprung free, slapping Celestia’s inner thigh. As one last act of deviance, the alicorn wrapped her wings around her soon-to-be tormentor, pulling him into a kiss. She could taste herself on the tip of her tongue. The alicorn shivered, moaning into his mouth as he lined himself up with her marehood.

As his fat, alien cockhead slipped inside of her, Celestia bit her lower lip, ears folded against the sides of her skull. He slowly pushed himself inside of her. Her marehood flexed and tensed again the hot, throbbing cock, trying to pull him in deeper. When he had finally hilted, Celestia’s eyes snapped opened just in time to watch the hyoo-man lean down to kiss her again.

This would be the hundredth time she had failed to defeat the monster that resided in her castle. One hundred times this creature had violated her for what seemed like hours, making her scream like a filly in heat.

Celestia was no quitter though. She’d continue to come to this room as many times as it took to defeat this great evil. For the good of her little ponies.