


It was 2am at the humanitarian city camp
owned by the United National with a strong partnership from one of the fastest growing Asia economy.
Though, we've been on duty for the past two weeks without sleep to cap it up.

So, I took a walk by half fellow by an hour.
Suddenly, I could see a man who sat on a seat all to himself in a dark room. Out of curiosity, I drew closer, but  neither could I see  any  soul on it, rather  an empty seat.
Wait a minute!
Hope my sight is neither making mockery of onself.
At that instance, the seat moved quietly and someone cough.
But none sat on the seat.

Over the years,
have lost count on my prayer ability.
Neither capable of seeing those visions I was adored before now.
I knew I'm at the dead end and turning back to Him is more than paramount than ever before.
Though with time, a child will come through thee if he prevail.
If not, i will keep the few memories either way i proceed in life.
© henralex1431