

Unspoken wounds
"I hope someday you get a taste of your own medicine," she said, shifting her face to the side.“Well, what are you trying to say? Are you talking about my words?” He really didn't understand why she was mad.“Oh, you’re just so intelligent, aren’t you?” she retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.“But I haven't said any harsh words.” His jaw dropped.“This is your worst trait—you don't even realize that your words have torn someone's heart into pieces.” She sneered, her anger palpable.“But I don't think I was bitter enough to hurt you. It's you who's overly sensitive.” He was confused for a moment.“See, now you’re putting all the blame on me for feeling bad.” She ground her teeth in frustration.“But seriously, I didn't say anything rude. I just told you that you were wrong. You know you were, but you still won’t admit it. So tell me, how am I harsh if I only point out your mistakes?” He was now both offended and a bit angry.“You’ll never realize. I hope one day someone treats you like you’ve treated me.” She headed toward the door. Before leaving, she turned back and said, “If you can't understand me after three years, you never will. Maybe you'll be more respectful to your future partner, but it won't be me.” She left, slamming the door behind her.He sat on the couch, his head pounding. He was starting to reflect on himself, though he didn't realize it. Even though she was gone, she had ignited a spark within him to make him want to change.
© nf