

Trifling (Part-II)

I had a lot of fun today . How much....how can I say how much fun. There's nothing more than satisfying without fun.....

Today seeing the faces of those monkeys Oops students , I'm getting peace. Cause I had taken away their peace😁.....

Today I took a surprise test instead of the project , with the permission of the head master 😈..... Oww what a scene......

Everyone gets shocked. They were so confused....why not...they even touched the books ?

Now everyone will think I'm a bad teacher....blah blah blah...No problem I even don't care about everyone now....

Let me tell you , it had to be happen before either after. And this is scientifically proven by Newton's third law ' for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction '.

Wait a minute this test wasn't evaluated with main exams , it's just a surprise for them. I'm going to give them project in few days with extra time. I also fooled them......because head master wasn't give any permission.

Oops I forgot to say about my another identity, that's given by my classmates.....'Moron owl luckily intelligent '(Moli)......

The End

© jeni