

A Broken heart
To all my friends you under went depression in life here few sentence which can let you to forget your past love.

If you have been rejected once you need not think it is just an end of life. Life is colourful journey you should make your life colourful by coming out of all the depression of life because you have your family, friends and also career. If you concentrate on your career you automatically come out of depression. only when you make yourself busy in doing things you can come out of all your stress. Start a day with a fresh thought and you'll be happy. don't waste your life in thinking about the person you is not worth of your love,spend time with yourself and concentrate on your career don't break yourself in thinking about the things that took place end it all start a new life.
#lifelesson ->Evey on have to think
#career #brokenheart
#niveditha_yadav #mywords comment and share your feelings about it.
#conclusion When you are happy with yourself you can achieve anything in life.
© Niveditha.K