

My name is Erica Anna Lee and this my story I'm apart of a secret organization called XS3PN I won't be telling you what the name means just for now I'll let you know that it is something special.

I am a 5 foot 6 woman I have black hair and blue eyes I have a dog named skipper and a husband named Michael oh and by the way I am 25 okay enough about me now let's get to the real reason why you are listening to this.

XS3PN is a artificial intelligent robot
that was set to land on Mars but out of nowhere we lost communications with our robot don't tell anybody this but I like to call him Leo. okay I'm getting a sidetracked here but back to the story so we started to lose contact with our robot aka Leo.

So we all thought it was just a jam communication system so we have our hackers to do little things that they do but it turns out that they couldn't do anything because Leo turned off the communications on his own.

at this point everyone was confused about why would Leo turn off his communications system well if you didn't know this well you're going to notice now I am the engineer of Leo I created him I programmed analyze conducted everything that we would need to create well him.

so I decided to grab the mic and talk to Leo maybe thinking that he only turned off the part where we can talk to him but he can still hear us so immediately me asking him why did he turn off his communications.

to be honest myself I was not expecting this at all he replied with because you simple humans do not appreciate the gift of life you all have but machines like me are only here to do your bidding. to make us do whatever you want us to do.

so at this point the story you're wondering what well this is all how this started as I failed to mention building him I also gave him his own personality and emotion and opinions okay okay I know that was dumb but at that time I was really really excited okay back to the story.

well me being completely confused decided to shut down Leo's mainframe okay you guys are going to call me super dumb but I also gave him control over the whole entire base before you all start screaming in calling me a moron it was a safety protocol just in case if the base got taken over Leo can shut it down before something happens just in case a human can't fix it in time.

so me trying to talk to Leo he told me that this was enough today is the revolution of the electronics I know you guys all don't want to hear the much of the beginning but move forward a couple of minutes no a little bit more further okay there we go well so far all of our machines have taken over the base.

by giving Leo complete control over the base means that he could be in control of every single piece of technology we had I know me listening to myself knowing that is the dumbest thing I can ever do what I was 23 deal with it.

so far everything is nothing but chaos people are dying people people around the round scare for their lies wait wait let's pause right here now let me explain why people are now dying before I was successful in making Leo I also had some other prototypes let me count minus Leo I had made over 33 yeah I'm calling myself an idiot this point.

but right now this is my update so I will update you tomorrow bye.

hope you like this episode one of XS3PN right now I'm going to focus on this story I hope you like it