

I Did It For Love
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- 1725 Words -


and Sneaking.

She was currently stalking him, along with her friend. They knew that it wasn't right, but she did this for love... or is it?

Love or Addiction,
A small liking that turned into obsession.
Whispers that turns into sessions, sessions of issues.
She was ready for the consequence, she was ready for her to be punished.

She knew everything about him,
and He knew what she's doing.
This isn't love, this is obsession, this is addiction.

It all started with a sniff of a perfume,
Oh how she wishes to not smell it again.
The perfume that made her addicted of him, the perfume that caused her to follow him.

She knew his whereabouts, she knew his past, she knew kind of everything about him.
She knew he was hating it, but deep inside of him... He also knew that he was enjoying the addiction of the girl.

But no, not everything is planned, some of it are coincidence, like;
Shopping in the same place,
Oh how she remembers that encounter.
How they looked at each others eyes, the little eye contact that made them both lose their smiles.

They hated each other, but they were enjoying what they were also doing.
A complicated thing indeed.

Months later..
She felt done, she promised herself not to be in this position again.
No, not ever.
She was ready to move on from him, but he wasn't.

He didn't see this coming, he wasn't ready to let her go, he doesn't want to make her go.
That's when he realized that he loves her, but it was too late.

Letting each other go,
Forgetting every single thing.
That's how they moved on.

However, every now and then they see each other.
No smiles,
No greetings,
Not even peaks to each other.

How she did it for ~Love~.