

ice cream
A far away feelin' comes over the man at the gate. Watching the generic parents go about their routine. Kids scamper like kids do. Some fall down always getting up of course. The pang arrives in due time, that emotionally knawing pang of loss, regret, and unfortunate circumstance. A faded soccer ball rolls to his feets. He bends down picking it up . her soft brown eyes quietly meet his as he hands the frizzy haired child the ball. She happily takes it. Her precious grin priceless. Turning away she takes a step or two, stops. The soft breezes wash over his misting eyes. The lil ebony princess beams as she turns back facing him. She gingerly puts the ball back down. Approaches with such grace. She tugs at his pant leg. He is confused and speechless. Without warning she hugs his legs. He notices her soft black hair dancing in the wind, her orange ribbons fluttering to the rhythm of the breeze. The world stops or seems frozen. Birds amplify, car HornS fade. She holds onto him as if for dear life. He is a strong man. However when she looks up with those innocent eyes an emotional straight jacket couldn't have kept the tears from crawling down his weathered cheek. She whispers , " mista' , are those tears of happy? " he nods, replies, " mostly they are " they both smile. Sounds return to normal. A woman's voice penetrates. " baby girl ! Leave that nice man alone " the girl let's go, picking up her ball. Turning back grinning as he slowly reciprocates with a solemn lost grin of his own. Her gran Momma apologizes for her gran baby's random act of pure kindness. He assures her it was his joy. She sees something hurting in the man's still boyish eyes. She extends her hand, shaking his. The girl has her bend down whispering something. The older lady stands back up turning to the stranger at the gate, smiling so. " sir, would you like to go have an ice cream with us ? My treat " seemingly startled he nods yes, replying " I haven't had ice cream in a very long time" the lil girl takes his hand, excited. " what's ya all time faveOrite flavor" he pauses, smiles back "pistachio" her eyes light up , " mine too " he feels like he's walking feet up off the ground. A feeling he had long forgotten.