

A letter for those whom God chose to save lives through Christ
Book entitled
The vision,the word and salvation
Written by Apostle Bonifácio

Title:A letter for those whom God called to save lives through Christ

Dear brothers and sisters,i come to you in the Name above all names "Jesus Christ" the Merciful Saviour,receive me as I have not come for my own desires... Christ is the One who sent me to deliver these message.

It all started in a vision,where I saw the holiness upon me and then I saw myself performing miracles...and as I saw that vision,immediately I recognized the living spirit of God which He uses to deliver the good news from high above.

Always when the spirit of the living God appear to deliver the good news,it gives me the envelope with a certain title,but when I open it I always find a plain piece of white paper,the spirit of the living God commands me to hold a pen and paper and start filling it with the needed words of God,and when I write,i will be shown the words of God.

Today He sent me to strengthen all those whom He chose to save the lost.

Thus says the Lord: You whom I called to be my servant,can perform miraculous works if the holiness is upon you.

The holiness comes through keeping yourself clean,distancing yourself from those who do not fear God.

The holiness comes through hating the evil,running away from sins,following the footsteps of Christ Jesus,controlling your words,loving others with brotherly love,running away from the feasts of the wicked,then you can perform miraculous works in Jesus Name.

When you are holy,nothing can block your prayers for God lives within those whom the holiness have chosen.

Make yourself holy through hating the teaching of the wicked and God will reward you.

When the holiness of God is upon you,you can lay your hands upon the sick people and heal them.

When the holiness of the Great Lord is upon you,you are able to perform what you think you can't,because He dwells upon those who keep His commandments.

Keep yourself clean,receive your holiness which calls upon your Name... receive it and perform miracles in Jesus Name the King of kings.

Know your purpose and do by all means to make the heart of God rejoice through making Him known,better.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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