

The caterpillar
The poor caterpillar is all alone, hiding in the grass. It's a shame, really. She's been through so much abuse, mentally, physically, sexually, and emotionally, all from her own parents. It's heartbreaking. She's in so much pain and feels so defeated that she actually hopes to be eaten and die soon. Can you believe it? But then, out of nowhere, a cricket shows up in her life. He's like her knight in shining armor, playing songs he made just for her. He's determined to get her out of hiding, visiting her day and night, comforting her. It's a real game-changer, let me tell you.

The caterpillar emerged from hiding, confidently lifting her head. Grateful for the cricket's support, she expressed her thanks.

The cricket led her to the perfect spot for her cocoon. With a smile, she embraced the next chapter of her life. She hugged the cricket farewell and prepared herself for the next phase.

Days passes and the lonely caterpillar became a beautiful butterfly . With such happiness, she flew into her happy ending.

Survivor are the caterpillars, that turn into butterflies.