

Abandonment Pt2
Nightfall soon came, the sky became dark and I saw a big round sphere floating in the sky. Its was so strange. By this time, I would usually be tucked in beside James. He got me my own personal bed when I was younger but I didn’t want to ever leave his side. So as I grew older, he let me sleep beside him in his bed.

The night was oddly cold. It felt weird not being able to snuggle up next to James.
I was getting a little hungry buut James wasn’t there to give me a bowl of delicious food. I heard a growling sound suddenly. “ Who’s there! If you dare to hurt me, my master James will come after you!” then, I reaslised that I was on my own. There was no ‘James’ to protect me now. “Growl...” I heard the sound again.

I jumped to my side when I heard the noise but then I realised it was coming from my belly.

“Oh, its...just me...” I sighed. After walking around the park for a while, I bumped into a little bin. I suddenly remembered that the bin was where humans put their trash-and probably half eaten food! I used by body to hit the bin a couple of times, then it fell to the ground with a crash.

There was a chicken drumlet. It quite boney but luckily, the human who threw it in the bin didn’t manage to finish the whole thing. After nibbling on the chicken scraps. I decided to call it a night and went to sleep in a small bush.

Every day from then on was the same. Wake up, scavange for food, find little things to eat and sleep again. It went on for months, but there was no sight of James. I was begining to think that it may not have been an accident when he left me in the park.