

I believe that everyone has their own different ways to live their life.. How can I say? Well, let me describe to you the scenario here on our classroom right now.. There's a couple arguing over a simple matter, a nonsense to be exact. There's a group of girls giggling over some pictures of 'hot boys' and going crazy about it. There's a nerdy girl who doesn't care about her surroundings, she minds her own new novel book. My eyes were only hurting every time I shift my sight from one to another so I will stop now, alright? So I guess you now got my point about the 'different ways' living their life.

I sighed about all those thoughts.. The bell rang, oh I forgot, this is my last subject to attend, I lazily stuffed my things inside my bag and went outside our room. The sky is getting dark, I looked at my wristwatch and found out it's only minutes before 6 PM. I walked and decided to just buy my dinner outside the University because I feel like I'm so exhausted today.

I went inside the pizza house and sat for a while looking at their menu, I'm craving for some pepperoni pizza so I ordered one box because I'm alone at my condominium, our house is on the province but my Parents and family visits me here every week or every other week or if they have something to do on the City.

While waiting for my pepperoni, someone clapped right before my face, I startled for a bit and looked at that person with pissed eyes.

"What is your problem?"

He laughed, he is Lakey, the one who 'courts' me without my own approval, by the way, I rejected him thousand times and don't get me wrong, he's handsome and rich and girls were crazy about him too, but not my type and I just don't like him, alright?

"Come on, Leilani.. You look more beautiful when you're pissed, don't use that on me." he said as he winks. Ew. Gross.

"I know I'm beautiful, and I'm well aware too that you're not my type and never forgot that I've rejected you thousand times," I said as I rolled my eyes at him.

He just laughed so loud that people around us started staring at him then on me, gosh, I hate their attentions.. I looked around, and my eyes were shocked to see Samuelson! He's sitting with a group of people, having notes, laptops, MacBook, planners etc. His eyes met mine but he shifted his eyes from me tk Lakey then back to his MacBook and typed into something.

Oh no! And here I am, with Lakey? I'm now really pissed at Lakey..

"Go away, Lakey. I'm not in the mood,"

Lakey laughed and held my hair to put it into mess, he's been doing that and then he will go away.

"Laters.." Lakey said and winked again, then after that a girl went to him and kissed him, Lakey held the girl on the waist and went outside the place.

See why I hate Lakey?

He's a player, real time player!

I shifted on my seat and silently looked at Samuel, his brows are close with each other and so focused with their things, Samuel is a graduating student at our University, he's so good at everything, he is responsible, kind, gentle, manly and handsome.. He is 1 year ahead of me, and we are on the same College department so I can see him oftentimes.

I almost jumped when he looked on me too but turn back on papers and stuffs. I sighed when the waiter handed to me my pizza, I guess I'll just go home and eat some pizza, watch some movies or review some of my notes..

I stood up and grab the box of pizza, but someone from behind bumped on me. Oh c'mon! What a very great timing, a while ago it was Lakey, but now.. It's a random guy who clumsily bumped me!

"I'm sorry." he smiled, sheez!! What a refreshing smile.

But oh well, I raised my right brow and looked at him. I cleared my throat, I can feel attention once again, be careful, Leilani! Samuel might be watching at you with this guy, this is your opportunity! Watch me, sammy boy.

"You should be careful next time, alright? Please excuse me.." I smiled politely.

"I'm Jinx by the way, miss.."

"Oh! I'm Leilani, see you around!" Before he can even utter a word, I turned my back and went out of that place.

I jumped on my car and started the engine to head on my condominium directly.

By the way, if I hadn't shared many infos about Samuelson, I met him during my freshman year on our Univ, Samuel gave a short message during our orientation, he's part of the student council because he's such a good man!! I heard he's a Christian, you know, faith, beliefs.. But I'm not sure, but the sure thing is.. I like him and I've been giving Samuel a very obvious signals every single time and he'll just scold at me, give me words of wisdoms but I always leave every time he starts to give me those kinds of words of wisdom