

“Well for firsts, check your phone if you are still able to see that call on your logs.” Jessica said. But something about her face said she already knew the answer.
I checked my call logs and it wasn’t there.
“What! No it isn’t there on the logs. But neither of us touched the phone or deleted the log or wait! Did I? I don’t know anymore.”
“No, you didn’t. This was most probably done remotely by someone who knew their way around this stuff.”

“Alright I am all ears. What are you suggesting?”
“I am suggesting that whoever the culprit is, he or she is very smart. They’ve managed to loop you in cleanly into this crime, negated all your efforts to find the truth, and then deleted all the records of their involvement. Either by killing them, by injuring them, by not allowing us to collect data or as simple as deleting the call logs.
They think they have outsmarted us……”
“Do I sense a but coming there?” I was curious now“But, they didn’t know our full potential. We had a real time back up, so atleast before you went all beserk we have all the data, and even after that, I had a microbot planted in you which they didn’t know so we do have some more data too.”
Okay I was pretty impressed by this. Jessica was wayyy smarter than she came across in your first glance. She was pretty good at what she did.
“So what is our next move now?”
“To confirm some of my theories I need to conduct one more test on you. I need to conduct a deep dive test.”
“What is that? I have to go deep sea diving? What are you measuring even? I didn’t get it.”
“No idiot not deep sea diving. It is a tool we use. The deep dive engine. This helps you to dream lucidly. So you will be aware what you are dreaming and at the same time the engine is built in such a way that you will be awake and can answer my questions real-time, so we can know what exactly is going on.” I was stunned. Did such a technology even exist. I was really excited to see this in action.
So we got all the stuff ready. Jessica started explaining me the procedure.
“So according to my theory, the reminder on your phone is your trigger to start dreaming. And the call that you received that was your trigger to go into sort of an awakened state, where you don’t know what is going on, but you act on certain instructions that your culprit has directed. Obviously these are all hypnotic techniques and I may be wrong in my hypothesis and that is exactly why I want to test it.”
All of that was sounding meaningless to me. How was all that even possible? How could someone hypnotize me? I mean when did that even happen? But since Jessica was suggesting the theory and since there was no harm in testing it, I thought let’s try this one last time.
So again I was on bed and found myself entangled with wires, this time with even more than before. I was given a weird looking headgear which was apparently the deep dive gear. I was strapped to the bed this time in order to prevent any out of control behaviour if it did happen. After all this was done, it was time for me to get some good sleep.
I slept soundly, probably because my body was not well rested at night. A reminder was set for 15 minutes past I had slept and it worked. I started dreaming and this time I was well aware that I was dreaming, and yes I could hear what Jessica was asking me and was able to answer her real-time. It was working.
So I started wandering around in my dream. Till I reached the murder scene.
I was giving Jessica every detail she was asking, about the surroundings, about what was going on. But, here’s the thing, Since, she wanted to test the theory she didn’t tell me something. Since last time I received the call at 2:50 AM 20 mins into me dreaming, she thought of doing the same now.
So while I was in the dream looking around, I heard my phone ring, and a depressing fact was, that it worked. Yes! That was a trigger. My brain activity peaked at that moment and I started going beserk, but this time since I was strapped down, there was no destruction. After all this happened, Jessica and Max woke me up.
“What did you see in your dream, the moment you heard your phone ring?”
“I was walking down the alley, and there was a huge clock with a pendulum swinging.
That was when the phone started ringing.”
“That’s it then. I think I found the key. They have put hypnotic clues in your head, where a sound and a visual clue leads you to going all violent and I think they might be able to pre-instruct to you what you gotta do in that state and I think that is how you were lead to the murder scene. I think the culprit is someone very close to you.”
“What!! What are you saying?”
“They were able to plant an elaborate dream and were able to set two triggers. They are even capable of instructing you what to do in that state. It is not at all possible without you trusting them, allowing them to stay close.”
“But still. Everyone around me is trust worthy, I don’t believe this!!”
“Alright there is one way to find out who the culprit is. This might be dangerous. You might be risking your life, but you have to trust me on this. I think it is the only way.”
“Okay, I am listening Jessica. Go ahead.”
“So, first you gotta confess to Robert.”
“What!!! Are you mad? That’s insane!!”
“Listen to me patiently Richie. First you gotta admit. Then tell him elaborately about everything. You gotta hatch a plan together with him. You have to go to the press and tell them that you know who the culprit is on a live interview, and that you are being framed. You’ll have to tell them that you will give them the name tomorrow morning after full confirmation. All this you’ve gotta do before tonight.
“I don’t understand. May I know why?”
“You’ll know tonight. And remember to turn wear earplugs to sleep today. Remember to do that without fail.”
“I don’t understand, but OK I’ll trust you with this. I hope all this has a meaning to it.”
I did everything exactly as Jessica said and the news was broadcasted at 9PM. All preparations were done. I was worried to hell. I was anxious and restless as to what was going to happen. I went off to sleep, with earplugs on as Jessica said. It was 2:30 and my phone buzzed. But this time I was awake and so I didn’t start dreaming.
I heard clacking of my doors. Someone was here. After 10 mins, I heard my phone ringing. At this point I pulled off my earplugs and acted like I would normally while sleeping. I understood what Jessica meant I will know.
There was someone in mask who had come to kill me. But, he planned to kill me with my own hands, using trigger and hypnosis. Whoever it was, had to come down to my house, because it wasn’t something they had planned, so they had to come to give me suicide instructions. I was scared to my bones as to what was going to happen.
I went to the kitchen to get a knife, acting like I was in their hypnosis. The masked person followed me to check. But to their surprise at the last moment instead off slitting my neck I held it against their neck and pulled off the mask.
I received a massive shock!!. It felt like the world came crashing on me!!
I couldn’t believe my eyes. I dropped the knife and sunk into my hands.
“You!!!! How could you do this to me!!!!”


“How could you do this to me!!”
I was in complete disbelief. I was grief-stricken and in denial.
“You were betraying me this whole time. I trusted you with my life and this is what I get in return.”
I started going insane. I started breaking things, throwing stuff around, I didn’t know how to let off this rage.
“You know I loved you more than anything else. How could you do this to me Sarah!!
Please tell me I am still in that horrible dream. I don’t want to believe this.”
My eyes started tearing. I was depressed.
I was on the floor. Just completely shattered and broken. The person I loved more than my life, was the person who wanted to take away my life, literally. She framed me into this. What the hell was wrong here!!!!
“I am sorry Richie. I had to do this. You won’t understand.”
“Don’t you dare call me Richie. My name is Richmond Thawne. I will never forgive you. You tricked me betrayed me and what more, you made me even kill a person and now you even came to kill me. Like how low can you go. You are unbelievably ridiculous. How did I not discover the scum hidden under that pretty face.”
“I am sorry Richie, say what you want, but I really love you and that is exactly why I have to be ruthless now.”
“Wh…What do you mean you love me? You, deceptive woman” I turned towards her. She had teary eyes, yet she was holding the knife, ready to stab me. She charged towards me yelling “I am sorryyy”
I was barely able to dodge her.
I immediately grabbed her from the back. Clenched her wrist and took the knife out of her hand and held it against her neck.
“I didn’t trust Jessica when she said it was someone close to me, but I never imagined that it would be someone this close to me. My future was being destroyed by the very person with whom I imagined my future. This is making me too sad, but it is ridiculous that how good an actor you are. Great job there. Well but your show ends here. Start talking now.”
“What do I start talking to you. Just kill me Richie. I can’t bear this guilt anymore.”
“Just shut up Sarah. These puppy eyes aren’t gonna work on me anymore. I have a fair idea of how you did everything. In the hindsight, I should have doubted you wayyyy before. I guess I was blinded by love.”
That’s true. I was blinded by love. She was the only person whom I shared about my dreams in the beginning. She never seemed too phased by the actions of Mr. X. She was the one closest to me. I have spent a lot of nights with her. She obviously knew the smallest of the details about me. About my reminder and she also could easily plant the dreams and triggers whenever she would want, as I would never had doubted her.
She was a techie and it would have been a piece of cake to delete my call records remotely. Everything fits.

“Now it’s not about how you did it, It’s about why you did it. What was your need to destroy me like this? What did I even do to you?”
“You did nothing Richie…I…”
“Stop calling me Richie!! It disgusts me now. Call me Richmond.”
“Don’t say that Richie. Please listen to me. I had to do this. I never wished to do this but I had no choice.”
“Well I don’t believe that crap. No one does such elaborate planning, if they don’t want to.”
“Trust me Richie. I had to do this in order to protect my brother, to live with him forever. I owe him a lot and between you and my brother I would anytime prefer living with him, even though I had to live with grief of losing you. Besides I never planned on it coming to this. I thought you would go to prison silently and then I could bail you out and the matter would have ended right there. I never imagined that you would actually get to the roots of this matter.”
“What is all this crap you are giving me? Do you really think I’ll believe you after all this?
And who is this brother of yours? You never mentioned of any siblings to me.”
“Trust me Richie I am telling the truth. I confess I am the culprit you were searching for, but I still did love you and will love you forever. And yes I do have sib….. Uh….”
“Sarah!! Sarah!!!!”
Someone shot a bullet through the window.
She was falling to the ground with a bullet wound to the side of her head.
I jumped to catch her.
“Sarah no!! No Sarah please….”
Just when I thought I had finally solved the case all my hopes were shattered.
It was too late. The person who I loved with all my heart had not only betrayed me but was also dead now.
Sarah was dead. Cold in my arms. I couldn’t hold my tears any longer and burst out crying.
“I won’t forgive this!!!!”