

42#.What In Life Is Truly Objective And Not Subjective?
What in life is truly objective and not subjective? The answer to this question is simple: there is nothing in life that is actually objective. Objectivity on a larger scale does not exist; there is just subjective human experience. Can anything be truly objective other than experience? There are some objective sciences like mathematics, physics, and chemistry that can be truly objective. However, they exist only on paper and are products of human subjective experience. Everything is just a product of our own sensory system. Everything that is inside was once on the outside. Our mind is like an alchemical cocktail that mixes everything together. Sometimes, I get lost in my own thoughts. I was talking about the matter of human experience, but in the end, human experience is also objective, though we cannot perceive it. Objectivity is something that we cannot and can experience. Humans can't leave their own bodies to observe themselves. We can observe others, but we do not know what is inside. We can never look at humans in an objective way; we can only give other people meaning."

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