

Phantasm: Loss of Innocence Chapter 4
"Why did you try to fight that creature?"
I inquired The Tall man sternly.
"I am invincible and indestructible. How could I not fight especially when I always win?"
" Well you didn't win this time. You lost two rounds already. The odds aren't looking too good for you."
" I always survive. I've survived through all of time. I cannot die and will never die. I'm somewhat immortal".
He casually explained to me as if he was a lazy layed back college professor.
" Yes likely story but how come you're dying right now?"
" I never said I was dying. I merely stated that my strength was weakening".
" You also told me if you didn't make an antidote soon that it could be the end of you. Stop trying to trick me. I have a good ear and a even better memory. So just be straight forward and honest and we'll both get along just fine".
"You have a incredible mind. It's a pity that this mind of yours only belongs to you exclusively. You could do marvelous things if you only you gave me your mind".
"I'd rather keep it thank you. I might need it later. You want a brain you can shopping at the morgue after this is all finished. Leave my brain out of your business."
" I actually own a business. Ironically enough I run a Mortuary. It supplies me with many fresh bodies in which to choose from. Some however I have to collect myself. You would be a lovely addition to my collection".
"Look I don't know what sick fantasies you have about death but I really don't want to know. You keep your wacky weirdo fantasies to yourself. I have a job to do. We have a job to do together. We need to work together so stay focused!"
"You should take it as a compliment. I don't usually tell young women that I like them for their minds. "
" Are you seriously trying to flirt with me right now?"
I spun around to face him and look him squarely in the face accusingly.
"No not at all. How ridiculous! I do not have time for such wasteful activities. You do not stimulate me in that way. I find my pleasure elsewhere thank you very much".
He had disgusted look on his face but I could tell he was faking it. He may not be a man but he was of the Male persuasion and males tend to have strong physical drives.
Maybe he didn't want physical love but still one can dream of what one will never see, namely me in my birthday suit. I've had men undress me with their eyes before so I know that look that men have when I catch them looking at me longingly.
"So you've never had love before?"
" Physical or emotional?" He robotically asked .
" Just love in general. We don't have to get specific if you don't want to".
"Once long ago. "
" What ever happened to her?"
" It's none of your business now is it?"
" I suppose not. I used to have a special someone but he turned out to be a real.....monster. He was just some Bogart from these woods. I thought he was lost so I have him directions i showed him the way out of here and he thanked me and like an idiot i trusted him.
He was some kind of shapeshifting emotional vampire. He was somewhat of a freak in his world. Bogart blood and vampire blood don't mix well. He would feed off the fear of his victims and in turn he could transform into them. Unfortunately in the process he would often kill his victims. I was investigating a series of murders a the time much like I'm doing right now. I found out he was behind them all. I don't find murderers to be very attractive so naturally I broke up with him. "
" Do you honestly think I care?"
" No I don't. It's just a story I'm not expecting some big reaction. I don't need your pity or your sysympathy. I was just trying to break the ice. Make a little conversation you know. Ever tried it lately ".
" I talk very little if I can help it. Small talk is a waste of both time and energy. I have very little need of conversation."
" Oh I understand completely .I despise small talk. I don't much care for conversation either. People are all the same. They ask the same questions and they have small 'imaginations's and narrow minds.
People are just a bunch a robots these days. Their hooked up to technology half the day and nobody reads anymore. Everything is so virtual. Its It's all so fake and phoney just like the people that design these supposedly great pieces of technology. One of these days I'd just like to give up on humanity altogether. I'd like a nice little cabin in the woods somewhere deep within this forest perhaps. Nobody would ever hear from me again. "
" Did I just hear you say you want to give up on humanity?"
" Its an expression. Don't get any ideas. I just want to isolate myself from the rest of the world. I just want peace and quiet. I enjoy my solitude. Anything wrong with that?"
"No of course not. There is something that has come to mind and its it's the question of payment. What kind of payment do you require for your services?"
" I usually take money but under the circumstances i think I could settle for something else. What are you willing pay me?"
" What is it that you desire besides money?"
"I already told you that I want peace, quiet,solitude and sweet isolation ".
" Oh that can be arranged believe me".
He smirked in a mischievous sort of way.
" If you're planning on killing me, operating on me or doing any weird experiments on me I'm not interested ".

" Well in that case I can offer you a place to stay. A world of your own so to speak. It would be very very safe i assure you. I've been able to create a incredible security system wherever I go. I could offer you security and protection as well as a home. "
" Nobody would bother me right?"
" Correct. Nobody would ever bother you ever again I assure you."
He replied smugly.
" Just as long as you promise not to operate on me."
" Of course not. No such thing shall happen unless you wish to".
" I'd rather you not mess with my brain. What would you do with my brain anyway?"
" Oh give it a few polishes , improve a few connections, rewire a few pathways. Nothing too severe. It would just be a few minor improvements. Think of it as a upgrade."
" Thanks for the offer yet again but I'm still not interested. I like my brain just the way it is. It might not be perfect but it's good enough for me. "
" Suit yourself. We need to return to the last place that creature was.
The method of travel were are using is very inefficient. If you want to get there quickly I suggest you do it my way".
At that he grabbed a ahold of both my shoulders and the trees faded into a blinding white which was then replaced by the image of the crime scene. The house had orange walls and the place was still in its original disastrous state.
It had popcorn ceiling and linoleum floors. The house was ovibously designed in the 70's. It was a atrocious display of clashing colors. Cream, avocado green and orange do not mix well.
A silver sphere sped into the Tall Man's hand.
"There has been another murder".
" Oh shit! Really?! How do you know ?"
" My little friend here just came back from the crime scene."
" What happened? Cause of Death? You have any details?"
"The cause of death was most likely due to heart failure. The heart was removed entirely. It was found in a plastic bag outside the door.
Not much blood and there was no sign of struggle. They're labeling it as a possible suicide".
" Who the police?"
" Yes it appears so."
" You've got to be kidding me! How somebody rip out their own heart and then leave it outside their door?"
" It could be accomplished with some assistance?"
" Yes but what sick person would place somebody's already severed heart into a plastic bag? What kind of person would just sit there and watch someone mutilate themselves that in such a horrible way? If that were someone I cared about I would stop them I wouldn't help them kill themselves. That creature did this. No human committed this crime. We need to track this monster and get to his next target before he does?"
" How do you know this creature is a he?"
" I just have one of those feelings. Men tend to be such assholes anyway".

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