

Willie Turned On His Left Side
Willie Smith wasn’t feeling good today his son Antony Smith knows what’s wrong with him. A knock came at the door Antony Smith opened it at the door it was his cousin Catherine Murphy. Hello Willie and Anthony how are you both? Catherine Murphy ask hello Catherine I am glad you came over I am doing good but my father isn’t feeling well he is sick his body is feeling weak replied Antony oh no that’s not good you should take him to see the doctor said Catherine Murphy. No I am going to see what happens if everything turns out good he stays at home but if he gets worse then he will go to the hospital replied Antony. Antony is Catherine Murphy’s cousin on her father’s side Willie is the son of Shonda Rhimes. Shonda Rhimes is Sir Alexander’s youngest sister she is the mother of Willie Smith that’s how Willie and Catherine are related. That day on Antony cooked dinner he made fried fish, and french fries he fixed his father Willie made a plate for his cousin Catherine Murphy a plate as well that night Catherine Murphy told Willie goodnight but he was too sick to answer back but Antony told Catherine goodnight and he gave her a hug Antony moved his father in the room with him so he could keep a watch on him. When 9:30 PM came Willie started coughing really bad he told Antony that his heart hurts really bad and Antony called 911 the ambulance came and got Willie they took him to the hospital and Antony called Catherine Murphy he told her what was going on with his father and Catherine told him to come get her he did he went to go pick up Catherine because she was still up and they both went to the hospital that night. At the hospital the nurse told Willie to not turn on his left side they quickly did their work trying to figure out what is wrong with this man all what the nurses kept telling Willie is to never turn his body to the left side. I don’t think I can make it said Willie meanwhile Antony and Catherine was sitting out in the waiting area then a nurse came to them. We are trying to do our job for Mr. Smith the only thing we told him is to never turn his body on the left side said the nurse but what will happen if he does? Catherine ask well it can get worse replied the nurse. When the nurse left Willie started crying he didn’t know how sickly his father was his father wasn’t really talking much and laughing much like how he was. Back in the room where Willie was in the nurses was trying to do the best thing they can but Willie was also feeling in pain he was about to start moving around in his bed but then it happened Willie turned on his left side and died. The nurses told him not to turn on his left side but he didn’t listen and the nurses couldn’t revive him it was no use so one of the nurses told Antony. We told Mr. Smith to not turn on his left side but he did sorry he is gone said the nurse. Oh no he is gone I lost my father replied Willie Oh well I better call my brother Freddie and tell him that we have a funeral planned said Catherine Murphy. The next day Catherine Murphy, and Antony went to the funeral home to go see Willie’s body they saw Willie’s body laying in his casket he was wearing all white. He was an 83 year old man that made many people happy on this earth said Catherine. Yes he sure did now we gotta get prepared for his funeral this week Catherine replied Antony alright come pick me up when it’s time said Catherine. When the day came the family went to Willie’s funeral Willie’s sons were there, Willie’s brothers were there his daughter in laws, his grandchildren, and Catherine Murphy were all there in tears. After the funeral Antony found out that his father had left him $2000 before he died Antony was very happy.
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