

I m hers
In the stillness of each passing day, her absence feels like an emptiness, like a void that echoes with memories of her laughter, her warmth, and the way her eyes sparkled with life. I find myself yearning for the sound of her voice, the gentle touch of her hand, and the comfort of her presence. Each moment without her feels like a piece of me is missing, a puzzle with a crucial piece gone missing. Even the moments shaded with fear hold a certain beauty now, reminding me of the depth of our connection and the intensity of our shared experiences. She's become a part of the very fabric of my being, a presence that I carry with me wherever I go. In the quiet moments, I hold onto the hope that one day she'll return, bringing with her the light and laughter that once filled my world. Until then, I'll cherish the memories we shared, like precious gems shining in the darkness, guiding me through the emptiness until she finds her way back to me.