

15. I don't know I can't remember
Mia's P.O.V

I cried myself to sleep last night. I can't remember if I slept with Dominic or not. I feel so lost and helpless.

I laid in bed with the sheet covered my head when I heard the door open I bet it's him coming to torture me some more.

The sheet was pulled off of my body revealing my body to him. He's standing right above me.

"Mia I'm horny I need some of that pussy you up for it" he asked, his eyes filled with lust.

"No,no, no" I screamed. He slipped his hand under my night dress and touched my inner thigh. He then removed it and walked away from me to a corner of the room.

"Get dress it's time for you to go home, would have loved to fuck you one more time but I guess you’re not up for it, so get dress"

I did as he told me with tears in my eyes. I feel so dirty and helpless I honestly can't remember if he slept with me or not I really don't remember.

I want to die I don't want to go back to my brother and Dimitri like this they didn't even know I was kidnapped they might think I'm lying because I slept with a different guy and I know it's a disgrace they might say I'm telling lies to justify my actions but I honestly don't know if I had sex with him.

He came to where I was. He grabbed me by the arm and he took me out of the room up to the top floor which is his office and he teleported out.

We were now back in the supernatural world I can tell because we're in Dimitri's dining room and his sons and him are currently looking at us with shocked looks on their faces

"Mia?" Said Donte.

"Mia I miss you so much oh baby I miss you so much M," said Donte.

Dimitri just sat there staring as if he can't believe it's me. I could tell he was happy I could see it in his eyes. He stood up and came right where we were standing. Dominic was still holding my hand.

"Thanks brother I know we aren't on good terms but thanks for bringing Mia back to me I would never forget your kindness. I don't deserve it after what I did" said Dimitri.

"No brother thank you I never met someone so special and when we fucked it was like magic her pussy is so tight it made me want to marry her and the way she begged for more and the way she sucked my cock your luck I brought her back"

He looked at us in shock. He didn't say anything, he just walked away.I screamed like a crazy woman and fell to the ground crying. Dimitri turned around and looked at me with disgust.

"He kidnapped me he kidnapped me oh I want to die I can't remember anything I can't"

Just as I said that Dominc teleported out Donte came to where I was and he knelt down and hugged me. I was shaking and I felt like dying.

"It's ok Mia it's ok tell us everything you remember"

I told them everything I remember. I told them about meeting him at the bus stop. I told them about the old day who sat next to me on the bus and how I believed it was her who injected me.

"I swear I don't remember and if we slept together it was rape because I hate him believe I do"

"Oh shut it I don't believe you you're only saying all this because you're ashamed why did he let you go if he kidnapped you huh you slept with him and you are now ashamed Because of what this would bring to you and your family" said Devin.

"Mia I believe you I really do" said Deamon.

"Than Dea I appreciate it"

"I don't," said Dimitri.

"Why did you say that dad?" said Donte.

"Look at this" he then turned his phone to us oh no oh my I'm going to puke.

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