

Every night i saw nightmares and it was never ending , kept on haunting me. I couldn't figure out how and why would those nightmares influence me in any way. Doubts piled up in my mind day_ by _day.
Most of the times the guilt from my past deeds crept upon me and i had to stay sane (maybe i thought it would help to keep the guilt away)through the booze that was kept in the old wardrobe.

Investigations were high on alert when people read the article on the "letter from Hell". The UNKNOWN might have wrote a letter to the head of investigation in Whitechapel. The letter threatened the people and challenged the police on the consecutive deaths occuring all over Whitechapel. The letter provided a name for me , it was THE RIPPER.

Some how i felt i was going to be a part of something big from now. All these people would fear me and curse me for my doings but they don't realise the truth behind it of this all been a great conspiracy.

Today i need to finish with the next one.The next horrible crime. Suddenly i heard a telephone ring and i startled cause it was in the room itself and i didn't knew about a telephone here. It was buried under a pile of dusty books and a painting. I took the phone and listened ; it was a message for me that i had to leave right now to the Whitechapel theatre , and i had to kill the man named Mark Baden. As soon as the person spilled the name , he cancelled the call. And it felt wierd for me of this sudden message which didn't happened ever before until now.

It was really a risk, beacuse it was dusk and it was urgent to go now and not to wait till dark. I kept my face down and my hat covered most of the face. I walked through the alleys and didn't wanted to intercourse with anyone.
I stood at the shadow of the building nearby the theatre and watched Mr.Baden stepping out of the car with a little girl holding his hand. When i saw the girls face i suddenly recognised her from the dream that i saw one day, 'The girl nearby the coffin'.!!
How could i kill a man before his daughter ?
the thought pained me so i hesitated to go for the kill and decided to keep an eye on him till he is all alone...
It was nightfall and Mr. Baden came out of the theatre and lighted a smoke. His child was nowhere near . I slowly aproached behind him and grabbed him on the neck by surprise and covered his mouth. The man was strong he fought back and injured my face which really made me mad.I punched him on the face trying to knock him out. A real suckerpunch lept him from his feet and he fell half conscious. I took the knife out , he tried to scream ,his face turned pale and all of a sudden the girl came wondering her father's absence. I stared at her. She saw a man trying to kill her beloved father. She stood like a statue unable to scream in horror. Her father took notice of her and with all his strength screamed....SARAHH...!!
The name striked me all of a sudden.
I asked him what did you call her?
The man horrified ... stuttered Sarah

I gasped ...i lost my breath , my heart pounded my mind came back to myself there was none controlling me rather than myself.
I asked him : Are you the man who owns this theatre.?
He said shivered Yes it's my father's.

I scrambled away from him and stood on my feet wondering the trap the UNKNOWN created for me.
My mother's name was Sarah and i obviously was a fool of not realising this man whom i was about to kill to be my grandfather.
My mother had told me about my grandfather being murdered by a notorious criminal. And it seemed the Criminal was ME all along.
(The man was as terrified as me wondering on my sudden change in action)
I heard the whistle blew of the police gathering around me on identifying the potential murderer.

To be CONTINUED.......!‼️

#Writco Story challenge

© Alan Aj
© AJ