

The True Confessions of Crack Cocaine... Rated-R(not for children)
Well it's no secret that pharmasuiticals and recreational drugs are becoming more accepting these days...like the fact that marijuana is now legal statewide but you can still be prosecuted by the feds if they have a good enough case....cause you see, the feds don't lose!they got endless fed field agents always looking for a Leg up... backed by endless fed money...and accompanied by endless fed time with endless fed resources your gonna lose everytime... but I digress... this really started hitting me hard for real in my younger years...but I learned at a real young age that people of all types, shapes, and levels like to get high or indulge in the spirits...it was similarly stated by a veteran D.O.C. (Department of Corrections) officer in the Anchorage correctional complex... he said to me..."son...you know what the difference is between the inmates and the C.O.'s don't you?" and I said "what's that Wilson?"-and he says..."son...C.O. just ain't been caught yet"... epic!!
So...this little adventure begins on the night I was truly introduced to crack cocaine...I was out at the strip club with my best friends old lady and sister(the one I had been dating and had been in love with like my whole life)and we were all just killin the Bush Company...well my friends old lady gets my attention and motions me to join her outside...so we all head out to the truck we're she proceeds to start to wiegh out a zip(an ounce) of Crack that she's about to go sell...and me being in the back messing around with the drunk chick in shotgun, accidentally elbowed the calculator (drug scale)-aka:the digi, the skizzy,the calculator etc... and close to an ounce of Crack cocaine goes flying in the air everywhere,all over the cab of the truck...and she starts screaming to high heaven.. red-faced as hell..she says "Gdammit TJ what the fuck is wrong with you?ya know... "- and as quick as she started she drifted out to a calming hum..."ya know what? I'm not gonna let it ruin my night!"- mind you that an ounce of Crack at that time was probably about $1200.00-$1400.00.... and she says "I'll grab it later"-wtf?-
who does that?---fucking epic!
Jennifer is a mother of one,and an ameture tattoo artist...very pretty native American type...but to look at her you would never suspect she was a long time drug dealer and heroin addict...So the Bush Company was obviously Candy bigtime...we ended up shutting the place down and heading to Village Inn afterwards to get some pancakes...and on the way to get breakfast I was adjusting my shoes And happen to feel this huge baseball size rock or something... but it wasn't solid like a rock?!!?... I couldn't see it in the dark when we were driving I had lean towards the window...and as I do the shine shimmers ever so...the color of clowdy pearl..the thick smell of Diesel forcing it's way to the brain with infinite shouts of "HooRa's" and "Fuck ya's"...with the shivers of holding back the "I gotta take a shit" feeling and extreme uphoria dancing your eyelids wide open...
I knew what it was instantly...
about an ounce of really damn good,freshly whipped up... crack cocaine!-anout $1200.00 street value...and I says to myself.."well, I guess this is coming with me!?!"
Fucking Epic man!!you can't make this shit up I'm telling you...lol
xgiiSo we pull into Village Inn at about 3am and as soon as I walk through the doors...I tellem to order me a skillet and I'll be right back...so I proceed to load a huge Booyah and find myself on the bathroom floor of The Village Inn for what seems like probably 20 minutes and I tell myself I have to get up ...then I slowly get up and make my way through the door to an empty dinning hall...then turned the corner and almost run right into two cops sitting ever so nicely at their table.
now this incident was followed by many many days hold up in that trailer in spenard.. but yet this began a routine that started somewhere in the city but always ended up at my buddies house with this whole family smoking crack. for months this went on... we would constantly drink all throughout the day smoking weed and crack and finishing off the night somewhere in the beginning of the day at about 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. and after about 4 months of this I started noticing that my buddy stepdad would constantly leave at about 4:00-4:30 a.m. and wouldn't come back for hours.. so one day it just really occurred to me and I says " Frank, where do you go when you've been smoking crack and drinking all night? I mean you leave all the time at like 4:30 in the morning and you're gone for hours..what do you do?where do you go?.." and his reply was simple, he said "well, I go to work.."
I said "oh my God, where do you work? "and he says...
"I'm an elementary school bus driver!." I said "what the f***!!"
shortly after that we thought it was a smart idea to start taking bong hits of crack cocaine and about the third one in I felt like I was going to have a heart attack and never smoked crack again!!
and it wasn't till years later that I was introduced to methamphetamine... and one day I go over to my buddy Jason's house, and he's outside working on his truck when I walk up and he said hey you want to do me a favor go in my room and grab my bubble, which is a smoking utensil for methamphetamine... so I walk into his room and there is a beautiful gorgeous older lady dressed very nice with basically a suit on but it's like one of those women's suits, anyway she was drop dead gorgeous, way out of my buddy's League, just sitting there in the middle of the room smoking methamphetamine... so i say,hi grab his utensil and head back out to the truck... and I said Jason," who the f*** is that in your room?" and he says " oh don't worry about it that's my lawyer!!"---go f****** figure!! classic!! hope you enjoyed today's tales of crack cocaine and methamphetamine... kids don't do drugs!!

© CAThomas-