


There's a lot of people who think that churches are accepting of the Lesbian and Gay community, that is sometimes true, and I am sure that there are some very progressive churches out there.
I've seen some Churches where the pastor is queer in some way.

Personally, I'm headeralsexual, and I even accept people who are Gay, Lesbian and what they call Hermaphrodites because these are people are born this way and the churches should be accepting of all these people, but when they start creating transgenderism and saying that there are more than 2 genders, that you were born in the wrong body than no there is something wrong with you mentally and our children is another issue.

Anyway, you have to be careful because I think numerous churches being very nefarious when they seem to be accepting. A few churches Iv seen were acting like they were accepting the queer community like ((oh yeah if any one comes in WE ACCEPT YOU JUST AS YOU ARE, EVERYONE and EVERYBODY))

On the face of things that can seem very accepting, but if you understand how Christianity works for the most part, what this means is ((WE ACCEPT YOU JUST AS YOU ARE BECAUSE WE ARE ALL SINNERS SO YOU ARE A SINNER BECAUSE YOU ARE QUEER BUT COME INTO OUR CHURCH SO THAT WE CAN FIX YOU BECAUSE WE ALL NEED FIXING AND SAVING FROM GOD)).

Someone might be an alcohol problem, someone might have an anger problem, they could have any problem, and you have this problem to that we can fix.

That's the Idea here, THEY ARE NOT REALLY ACCEPTING YOU AS YOU ARE. They are inviting you in so that THEY CAN TRY and CHANGE YOU, that's the Idea.

You might go in feeling like your accepted and loved, but then after being in the church for a while, they'll pull you aside and be like ((hey you know your really living in sin, you need to repent. You need to talk to god, . You must turn away from these ways and that's when it starts to get horrible.

So it's important to realize that a lot of these churches can seem outwardly accepting, but they are not internally it's a facade and a very nefarious facade.

Again, I am sure that there are exceptions out there, but I think we need more accepting churches out there regarding the gay, lesbian and hermaphroditic community because hermaphrodites are born the way they are with both male and female genders. They can't help that and some gays and lesbians are born that way too, but some chose to be like that. Though regardless, god should be loving everyone no matter what.

So anyway, KIM SAYS: if your formiliour
with the bible you probably know that describes how god WEAVES TOGETHER HUMANS IN HIS IMAGE,
the (Hebrew term) used in that passage are artistic in nature and gives us the sense that god go uniquely creates each of us with our own unique physical DNA and personality makeup.