

There lived a beautifull girl named feather because she was as white as a feather .She lived in Amstardam .She did not have any parents but lived happily. She always wanted to become a queen but couldn't. She worked in 24/7 W but earned a lot . When she was a kid she asked God for a really unique gift .When she was 16 God really granted her a gift to fulfill wishes of unsatisfied souls ... One day while returning home she saw an man who said to her "Hi, I am James I wanted my youngest daughter to marry who I want as my other 2 did not but she did not listen to me and married who she wanted . I left the house and started staying alone but every birthday I wrote a letter to her but never had the guts to send it but then I died so I want you to give this to her and tell her how much I loved her ,cared for her " feather did so and saw the love in the father's eyes fir his daughter. She then she missed her parents who died when she was only 4 but then just forgot about it and helped other souls like that father and found happiness in other people's happiness.